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First Pork Butt not perfect

Started by gateso, October 02, 2009, 01:31:26 PM

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I am spoiled, I want all of my smokes to be perfect and I need your help.
I have an OBS ,Maverick thermometer and a brand new PID. My first smoke with my PID and it acted just great within 1 degree over or under, highly recommend. Although I must admit I still had to keep checking just to make sure it was holding it's temp. Learn to trust in your PID. I had a small 6lb pork butt and because of timing I decided to do a low temp longer cook. At 7.30 pm my PID was at 205 and I gave it 4 hours hickory to start, changed the water and went to bed at Midnight, IT was at 156. Next morning at 10.30am IT at 193 I took it out and gave it FTC for 2 hours.
It was unevenly cooked and some fatty portions where the fat had not completely rendered, the bone did not come out completely clean. Very good taste mind you but not perfect.
Maybe the Maverick probe was in the wrong place, should I cook at a higher temp,does it matter what shelf the butt is on, forward or backwards ? Just looking for perfection.
I would appreciate any suggestions.


The Maverick probe could have been in a fat pocket, and gave a much higher reading than the rest of the butt was actually at...

I would move it a couple times at the end, to make sure you have an accurate and consistent reading.


gateso, squirt is probably right on the money. take several reading in different spots when you think it is time to pull.
wasn't a failure, just a learning experience. I have the digital and i use 220 and have had great results. The fun part
is you get to try again.    CRG


Exactly what I was thinking that the probe was in a fat pocket.  Invest in an instant read thermometer.  Thermoworks makes excellent ones www.thermoworks.com .  Check the butt in several places just to make sure the probe isn't in a fat pocket.


Hopefull Romantic

Gateso, I agree with Ky, CRG and Squirt regarding the fat pocket and I would also add to try and turn the racks around in the process. I had the PID and the Maverick probes in last night and they were giving two different readings. The maverick was further back and had a higher reading.

I am not as "think" as you "drunk" I am.


I agree 100 percent with the others above. Additionally, you may want to be sure that your fat cap is not too thick. I smoke all of my butts at 205 and if the cap is not trimmed enough, some of it will not completely render.
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

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All the fat will not be rendered out.  Hopefully a bunch of it though.  The probe could have been in a fat pocket but 15 hours on a 6 lb butt should have been more than enough time.  However, being bone in, and at CT of 205 the butt will take a looooonnnnngggg time.  For my last two butts, it seems 193 is at the low end of the pulling temp.  Might take it up higher - maybe 200.   Whatever the temp. you can use the fork test.  The IT is not a magic number that always tells you you are at pulling temp.  Poke a fork in the top and twist - if it twists easily and shreds - then it is ready.  The probe should be placed where the tip is near the center of the meat mass.  Too close to a bone or in a fat pocket, it can give a false reading of what temp the meat actually is.  If only doing one roast, then the roast would be placed in one of the middle positions.   Was the PID probe near the meat?  If not it might not be reading the temperature the meat is sitting in.  If you were on the lowest rack - If you did not rotate and turn the meat over, then the side closest to the back would likely be overdone, while the front side would not be done as much.  There is guite a bit of difference in radiant heat between the back and front of the lowest level.  
"A man that won't sleep with his meat don't care about his barbecue" Caneyscud

"If we're not supposed to eat animals, how come they're made out of meat?"


Thanks everyone for the suggestions I will take them to heart with my next Butt. Even though I said my last one wasn't perfect, I have to say our second helpings tasted pretty damn good. I think after the pork has sat for a while, even in the fridge the smoke taste intensifies and tastes even better than the first time.
Keep on smokin'


Brian, you're right on with the second day being better.  The smoke really does not penetrate into the meat much if any.  So with a butt you have a small smoke to meat mass ratio because they are so thick.  Ribs on the other hand have a high smoke to meat mass ratio.  Not scientific, but I hope it gets the point across.  So when you pull a butt apart, there is just a little bark in ratio to the rest of the meat.  When it sets for a while together, they get to know each other very intimately - and the good smokey flavor moves around and touches each piece.  That's why I like to put maximum smoke on a butt, especially a big one so that there is enough to go around as it sits and mingles.
"A man that won't sleep with his meat don't care about his barbecue" Caneyscud

"If we're not supposed to eat animals, how come they're made out of meat?"


gatsco, That resting and letting the bark smoke blend with the internal meat always help. Someone had stated that on a pull pork that the actual smoke doesn't penetrate that much. You should chop your bark up and stir in with the center meat. Glad you have a smile on your face today.   CRG


Yep.Next time I intend do 2 or more larger Butts at the same time in order to make sure there is plenty to share and freeze for later.


You've got it dead on.  Always make extra.  As soon as your friends have just one taste of your food they will line up at the door or start calling asking what you're smoking this week. :D :D



Quote from: KyNola on October 04, 2009, 06:28:27 PM
You've got it dead on.  Always make extra.  As soon as your friends have just one taste of your food they will line up at the door or start calling asking what you're smoking this week. :D :D

That they will!!
Bacon is the Crack Cocaine of the Food World.

Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!