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Bradley Forum Christmas Gift Exchange......DID EVERONE GET THEIR GIFT?

Started by classicrockgriller, October 07, 2009, 12:38:20 AM

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First of this is an open discussion to see if members of the forum are interested and how it can be made the best it can be.

Christmas is coming soon and just thought it might be fun to do a Christmas gift exchange with those that wanted to be included. I know times are hard for some out there and if this year is not the right year then maybe we can try it again when times are better for all. Share your thoughts and Ideas on if this might be something we would like to do.

Some things that need to be decided are :
1. Is there enough people that would be interested to make this happen.
2. A limit on what we want to share. (my thoughts were $10 to $15 plus shipping) It could be a couple of bottles of your favorite rub. A cookbook. A gift certificate to a certain store. Etc.
3. Set a dead line for those that want to be included.
4. Set a dead line for sending your gift.

If this happens I know I would need some help keeping up with everything, so if you want to help a 1/2 Cajun let me know, or if someone else wants to be in charge...please please speak up.

Part of the fun would be not knowing who is sending you your gift until it arrived.

I don't have all the answers, I just had the thought.

Let your voice be heard.

Hopefull Romantic

CRG it is a brilliant thought. Count me in on both; sharing a gift and whatever assistance I can give.

My thought is to some how link that up with the RISTRICTED GIVEAWAY thread???

I am not as "think" as you "drunk" I am.


I think Habs has got his hands full and he shouldn't do all of the work for us. I know he will be helping with advice and support.

Hopefull Romantic

No CRG. I did not mean to dump it on Habs. I just thought that the christmass gifts should be going to some who would deserve it.

Habs will be getting many emails regarding eligibility and will pick one. We could take advantage of the rest of the list.

I am not as "think" as you "drunk" I am.


That is a thought...hmmmm
Glad you posted it and maybe Habs can tell us what kinda response he is getting and it is a good topic
for discussion. Thanks HR

Habanero Smoker

It's too early in the morning for me to make any suggestions. :) I will read it later when I'm more alert.

Quote from: Hopefull Romantic on October 07, 2009, 01:11:38 AM
No CRG. I did not mean to dump it on Habs. I just thought that the christmass gifts should be going to some who would deserve it.

Habs will be getting many emails regarding eligibility and will pick one. We could take advantage of the rest of the list.



You suggestion is reasonable, but to maintain the confidentiality that I promised in that post, I would not be able to share the list.

Surprisingly I have not received many responses. I will be bumping that post tomorrow to remind members there will be one week left.


Hopefull Romantic


I see the point about compromising your confidentiality promise. But let me ask you some thing, Can USPS deliver to an address without the presence of a name? And if so, would divulging the address be considered a compremise?

Let me elaborate: Let us say Memeber X want to give a gift of "Whatever" to any "Y" on your list. Then you would PM X with Y's address only without names would that work??

I am not as "think" as you "drunk" I am.

Habanero Smoker

You don't need a name or the correct name for any delivery that doesn't need a signature; just a correct street and/or house address. You can use any name or just put "Occupants". In today's world it is too easy to do an internet search on an address and get the name of the person living there.



It is funny how what you think is a good idea, hundreds of others don't. Guess that is why I never ran for public office.

At least everyone is in agreement.

I still think it has some merit and if a more "respected" member decides that they want to put it together I want to participate.



Quote from: classicrockgriller on October 08, 2009, 10:10:32 AM

... if a more "respected" member decides that they want to put it together I want to participate.
CRG, YOU are a respected member!

I think it's a great idea.

How will the giver/recipient relation be determined?  As far as deadlines go, you're running the show, you set 'em.

Please count me in and let me know if there's anything I can do to help.
-- Arnie

Where there's smoke, there's food.


Arnie that was actually a bad choice of words. I was actually thinking respected meaning some of the older members that have been here a lot longer than me.
I know there are some issues that have to be work out to protect ones privacey.

I think it's a dead thread. Made a rhymn.   CRG

Ka Honu

Kind of a fun idea but I'd probably decline to participate due to shipping costs over the pond.


This is a nice idea. But like KH stated about shipping costs. What if you gift to someone and dont know they are overseas until they send you their address? I mean i dont mind shipping (when i can afford it) And some great forum members are on the bubble with jobs and such?

Lets all brainstorm this nice idea a bit more.



What if the exchange was set up with the people in there area, like the peps in the states ship to the states and UK to UK and Canada to Canada and so on.

Just throwing this out there.

Hopefull Romantic

Quote from: NePaSmoKer on October 09, 2009, 06:13:21 AM
Lets all brainstorm this nice idea a bit more.

How about we make two types of donations. Some members donate stuff, others would donate the shipping charges to be paid to the donor??  Just a thought.

That would still leave the confidentiality matter.

I am not as "think" as you "drunk" I am.