Prim Rib Roast/Arnie?

Started by LindaCC, October 16, 2009, 10:19:57 AM

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Arnie... Thought I might try your procedure on my Rib Roast. ( )It is in frig with rub now til tomorrow. Mine is exactly the same weight as yours. I am just wondering what was the IT you took it out at and how much longer did it take in the smoker after the 1hr smoke to reach the IT: Trying to plan about when to put it in smoker ... so it will be ready for dinner.
I have also seen one with Lipton Soup. Must try that next time.

Any suggestions from you all???


There is nothing magic about a particular IT.  The IT you will want to pull it out will be determined by what degree of doneness you're looking for.  I'm sure you are familiar with the various degrees of doneness from your previous cooking experience so just judge from there.  If you have a remote meat probe thermometer use that to monitor the IT of the meat while still in the smoker cabinet so you don't have to continually open the door of your Bradley to check the IT of your roast.

Have fun and let us know if we can help.



When I do a rib roast, I like the finished product to be med rare witch is 145 F, I will take the roast to 138 F then FTC (Foil Towel Cooler) the IT will rise in the FTC to 145 F then slice and serve.


Quote from: OU812 on October 16, 2009, 01:51:20 PM
When I do a rib roast, I like the finished product to be med rare witch is 145 F, I will take the roast to 138 F then FTC (Foil Towel Cooler) the IT will rise in the FTC to 145 F then slice and serve.
I like the 140 range
Bacon is the Crack Cocaine of the Food World.

Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!


Thank  you KyNola. Yes I have the Maverick ET-73. I was wondering about Arnies simply because from his photo it looks just the way we like ours. Med/Rare.
Thanks you OU812 & Tenpoint5-That's exactly what I needed to know. Taking it out at 138/140 sounds like a winner. I know it will continue to come up a bit.

Hopefull Romantic

With the ET 73 you are set. Dont forget the pictures

I am not as "think" as you "drunk" I am.


Hi Linda.  Sorry I missed your post earlier this afternoon.

My beef was a sirloin (aka top round) roast, not a rib.  I pulled it at 133 and did an FTC for an hour so the temp probably went up some.  I didn't take its final IT.  I like it medium rare and it pretty much came out that way.  I only did one hour of oak on it because I wanted to taste the beef with some smoke, not the other way around.  I gave some of the sliced product away and got very good reviews.

I still have some left!  :D
-- Arnie

Where there's smoke, there's food.


Thanks Arnie...Just a quick question. I know you smoked it for 1 hr, do you remember about how much longer you continued to cook it after??


Quote from: LindaCC on October 16, 2009, 05:25:58 PM
Thanks Arnie...Just a quick question. I know you smoked it for 1 hr, do you remember about how much longer you continued to cook it after??

Not really.  I was just going for the IT.  Probably a couple of hours at 235 after the smoke.  It was done sooner than I expected, therefore the FTC for an hour while I got everything else together. 

My best guess would be about 35-40 minutes per pound total.  The roast was 5.6 pounds.  Remember, you can get it done and then hold it in the FTC for a couple of hours.  It's still nice and warm.  That gives you some breathing room on the back end if you start a little early.  It should always rest anyway and it's easier to slice when it has cooled a bit.

Best of luck to you.
-- Arnie

Where there's smoke, there's food.


Thanks Arnie, just was looking for a ball park so I could consider a time to start before dinner. That did it. I know it's a "Kinda/Sorta" deal.


Linda, the start is a constant. the ending is the variable (it ain't done till its done)

The nice thing about smoking is you can start early and hold it in the FTC mode till you are ready for it.


Is that a bone in rib roast?


The original picture looked like either a boneless (rib eye roast?) or semi-boneless (save the beef short ribs for me!).  A boneless roast should require less time.

Cooking any of this stuff goes by IT, not time.  Start it early and then, as has been said, hold it in a Foil/Towel/Cooler.  It's amazing how warm it stays in there and somehow just seems to get better with some time.

It gets bad if you have guests and you're running late.  They smell the smoke and you're saying "How about more crackers?"
-- Arnie

Where there's smoke, there's food.



IMO, Linda you might want to consider extending yor smoke time in that yours and Arnie's selections of meat do differ. His was longer and no fat cap, where yours is more condensed and has a fat cap. (fat cap is good)  yours is probably going to take a little longer to reach the IT you want cause of the thickness of your rib roast