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Just finished first smoke - couple of quick questions!

Started by JA, January 22, 2010, 07:39:29 AM

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Hi guys, first many thanks for all of the advice and tips on the forum. It's been a great learning experience.

I just finished trying out an 8# pork butt. I've got the OBS / Auber / Maverick, which for ease of use is unbeatable. I realize now I probably took the pork off too early. Internal temp was reading 168 degrees when I first took it off, cut off a slice, decided it wasn't tender enough, and then stuck it back in for another hour. I didn't have the probe in for the final hour, but total cooking time was around 13 hours. It was tender and tasted great, but not falling off the bone tender. I was going off the maverick recommendation for pork to be between 160-170 degrees, but reading the forum I see you guys are leaving it on until 180-190.

A couple of follow up questions:

1) Once it reaches that internal temperature, how much longer do you leave it cooking?
2) My bisquettes weren't being cycled very often using this setup. I only went through maybe 6 of them, and that was after I manually advanced twice. They were staying on the burner until they were literally just ash. Is this normal? Because of this I kept the smoker going the whole 13 hours, and the amount of smoke tended to vary depending on when it was a new bisquette or not.
3) Any suggestions for the next smoke that is still fairly easy? Brisket, Ribs?

I also was just reading about the FTC suggestion, so will try that next time. I wrapped in foil after it came off but then stuck it in the fridge right away (mainly because it was time for bed). Definitely got to plan my schedule a little better. :)

Thanks again for the help.


Your bisquettes should advance every 20 minutes. When you first load your bisquettes into the chute, the first 40 minutes will not have any smoke unless you press the advance button 2x to move the pucks over the burner. As for the pork butt, I'm sure someone else will be along with some excellent advice.
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With the Auber turning the Bradley off/on, I would think the cycle should be much longer than 20 minutes. Just not sure what the magic number should be.


The Auber should not be turning the power on and off to the smoke generator if you have it connected correctly, just the heating element in the tower.  Kevin is correct that the smoke generator should be cycling every 20 minutes.

As for the butt, once you reach the internal temp you are looking for you're finished cooking.

As for the next smoke that is fairly easy, go out to the recipe site www.susanminor.org and look for the bacon wrapped chicken breasts.  Those are an easy dish, don't take nearly as long and are drop dead delicious!



The Auber should only be controlling the tower, unless you have the new dual probe external relay model.

If the Auber was turning the smoke generator on and off with the tower, then the 20 minute puck time never expired before it was turned off again.

About the internal temp:

There is a distinct difference between "doneness" and "tenderness"

With tender lean cuts (like a pork loin) - it is "done" when the internal temp reaches 145-170 - depending on taste.

For tougher cuts of meat - they are safe to eat at those temps - BUT - not very tender.

For the most part, connective tissue is what makes meat tough. There is very little in a loin and a lot in a shoulder (butt)

To make that tender it needs to be cooked until the connective tissue (collagen) breaks down into gelatin. This starts at around 162F - you should see a temp "stall" here.

Continue to cook until at IT of at LEAST 180F - I go to 190-200F
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Original Bradley Smoker with Dual probe PID
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Wall Outlet -> Cord -> Smoke Generator

Wall Outlet -> Cord -> Auber-> Cord ->Bradley

The two are completely independent of one another.


Ok, I feel like an idiot, but that was probably my problem. I had the Auber controlling the whole thing. So for an 8# pork, how many hours should the smoke generator run, and the smoking should be done at the very beginning?


Quote from: JA on January 22, 2010, 08:13:56 AM
Ok, I feel like an idiot, but that was probably my problem. I had the Auber controlling the whole thing. So for an 8# pork, how many hours should the smoke generator run, and the smoking should be done at the very beginning?

No worries, we all make mistakes.

Most of us use of to four hours of smoke starting when you put the meat in.

The last time I did butts, I put 4 (~26lbs) in at 2030 and they started reaching target temp around 1500 the next day.
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Original Bradley Smoker with Dual probe PID
2 x Bradley Propane Smokers
MAK 2 Star General
BBQ Evangelist!


Quote from: JA on January 22, 2010, 07:39:29 AM
Any suggestions for the next smoke that is still fairly easy? Brisket, Ribs?

Looks like you got every thing else straightened out.

The old saying

"When learning to ride a bike if you fall down git up and try it again"

I would try the pork butt again so you get it the way you want wile its still fresh in your head.


From what I have found on other postings I only smoke for about 4 hours. It has been said that once the meat reaches 140 it usually has a nice bark on it and the smoke will not penetrate into the meat after that.
This is how I did mine and it was great.

Nov. 27 2009 put mustard rub on pork butt. 12lbs. Then applied 1/2 dry rub.Put in plastic bag
then in frig for 24 hours. Took out and spread rest of rub on and put in smoker. Outside temp
45. Used apple smoke.

Mustard sauce;
1 12 oz can flat beer
4 cups yellow mustard
1 tbsp tabasco
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 tsp sea salt
1 tsp black pepper

Butt rub;
1/2 cup Black pepper
1/2 cup Paprika
1/2 cup brown sugar
4 tbsp. Kosher salt
4 tsp. dry mustard(ground mustard is the same)
1 tsp cayenne pepper

Took butt out of frig and let get to room temp for 90 minutes before going in smoker.
preheated smoker to 260 then turned down to 220 when butt goes in. Smoked four hours
using apple. After smoke stops empty water pan and wood and fill water pan with water
and 2 cup of apple juice. Cook until internal temp gets to 195.Turn butts on racks.
Took about 15 hours.Then FTC for 2 hours. It was excellent.

Don't worry about the mustard rub,you will not taste it and it gives a nice bark to it also. From what Pachanga has posted it also help the meat break down the seasoning better.


Personally I would suggest you do another butt, only cause if you go to something else and have an issue with it not coming out right you will be really discouraged.

Do another butt.
Make sure the auber is hooked up correctly this time.
Easiest way to hook up is plug your smoker generator into the wall.
Plug your auber into the wall. Then run a power cord from auber output to the bottom of your bradly cabinet (the element plugin).
Also after the smoke you can turn off the smoke generator, it's no longer needed. Your auber will still continue to control the temp in the cabinet. You will still see the light go on/off on the cabinet after the smoke generator has been shut off. The smoke generator should cycle ever 20 minutes pushing a burnt puck off into the water bowl. They should not burn to a complete ash.

Now after you do a successful pork butt and realize how great and tender it cooked. You will be more up beat for when you mess up on the next cook :D (brisket).
At least that was how I felt :)