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Mr. & Mrs. Tiger Woods

Started by Caribou, December 06, 2009, 09:11:24 AM

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Is that after you got ahold of him? ;D
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In my area I see this a lot. White woman weds a black man. One of them always is getting beat up.  Or worse as in our news as of late white woman is dead, or beat close to it. 8 out of 10 times its a black male on a white female.  This seems to be a monthly event.

With this event of Woods it seem that not keeping a wedding promise is not limited to a class level.  While there are good black families that are bound together in my area there are more Black and White women with "black" children in tow without the black father than there is a black fathers at home.

No wonder there are more per ratio blacks in trouble then whites. They see the beatings, the cheatings, the lyings and total bullchit from their fathers.

Tiger Woods may be one of the great golf players, but in real life IMO he is just another piece of chit that needs to be flushed. And don't think for one second he will change... he will just be more careful next time.


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oakville smoker

This Tiger thing is unbelievable.  I saw this pic last week under an email entitled Tiger and Elin's Christmas card.  I got a pretty good laugh out of it.

As a golfer and someone who plays the game a lot, its been interesting to see the impact this guys has had on the game.  Is he good?  Oh yeah.  The best there ever was, the best there is, the best there ever will be?  Not anymore.  I think he fell into the trap of believing in his own legend.   I rarely watch golf on TV anymore because I don't need to see Tiger picking his nose in the middle of the fairway when there are 60 other guys out there chasing him or playing for some other position in the golf tournament.

I don't think he will ever play at that level again.  Golf is the toughest game ever invented.  It requires total focus and discipline.  I am a single digit handicapper and if I try to play when things are crap at work or I am stressed or had an argument with the wife, well forget about it.  When fans are lined up on the fairways following him around and issues insults about his matrimonial skills and preferences for extra curricular action, well he will be just churning inside.  The heckling will be never ending,

Tiger created a holier than thou image.  Perfect swing, perfect wife, perfect family, perfect sponsors.  He had game.  He was the role model for young African Americans.  He was the Hulk Hogan of professional golf who preached saying your prayers and eating your vitamins, denounces steroids and then gets busted.  Now he gets caught with his pants down.  Caught big time.  Its not just the ladies interested in Hollywood gossip he has for an audience but the entire golf world.  The game played by more people than any other.  The game that is supposed to be a game of honour.  Its one thing to be the John Daly of the golf world, but John has never professed to be perfect.

I think this thing is just beginning.  How many ho's he has to pay off the keep their mouths shut remains to be seen.  Tiger thinks he can control the media and everything around him.  NOT.  I say drag him through the dirt.  I think the count is at 6 now for women he has had an affair with.

He offers his wife 60 million to stay with him for 2 more years.  Pre nup pr not, he is worth more than a billion.  I would say Elin's starting point is somewhere around 60 million.  As a guy that cleaned out by a cheating ex wife and still paying, I still say she should clean him out.

Its really a sad state in my opinion.  This gives a whole new meaning to making your bed and sleeping in it. Burn baby burn.   
All I wanted to do was slow smoke some ribs.  Another addiction created thanks to the Bradley that requires regular servicing...  But what an addiction to have.  Even better to share here with some of the best people on the planet.

Would you like smoke with that sir ?


oakville smoker

I thought I was tough on Woods, but your truth runs deeper.  Good post, Sir, good post indeed.

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My opinion, for what it's worth is this has been blown way out of proportion.   Tiger hasn't done anything that thousands of others haven't done.   And they been caught too but it doesn't make the news.   I'm not condoning it but it happens around the world.   The real loosers here are the children.   The wife will do alright.    How many other golfers (or other professional athelete) have had marital problems and have carried on.   I know.   Everyone thought Tiger was squeaky clean.   Well, now we all know he's human.


All opinions are welcome on this forum.

From your posting I believe we differ on our prospective of marriage vows. Furthermore, just because thousands do it does not make it correct in my opinion.

When I married my wife it was for life. As I've aged, and man have I ever aged  ;D, I'm glad that I never crossed that line. There is an union that can only be found though the years of keeping those vows that at times are tested in the face of the winds of life.

As I stated all opinons are welcome here and this one is mine.

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I ain't judging Tiger or his family or anyone else...

BUT - when I was driving down the highway this past weekend...
I was listening to some "news" show on the radio.
They were lamenting the "fact" that it was such a shame for blah, blah, blah to happen to such a "hero"...

THAT p*ssed me off.
A WHAT?????  A HERO?????
Role model - yes.  HERO? are you phuckin' kidding me????

When I got home, I saw a post here, on this forum, about children of fallen heroes...
I read the linked article (from link provided).. and I just teared up...

HEROes volunteer to protect the the rest us.
That's what heroes do.  Tiger (no offense - I ain't in his shoes) - he ain't a HERO.

Some of you guys here have HEROes serving right now - and they're my heroes.
Make no mistake about it...


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I think Tiger was just establishing his creds to run for congress when his golf career is over.
Somedays you're the pigeon, Somedays you're the statue.


Tiger who? I thought his new name was Cheetah.


Nice post oakville smoker. He should maintain the lime light. He enjoyed the good part of the media now he can suffer through the bad part. He made his decision.

I too am a golfer and agree 100 percent with you. His game was suffering even before this hit the news and I am sure that his private life was the reason.
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

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Quote from: Oldman on December 07, 2009, 09:00:56 PM
All opinions are welcome on this forum.

From your posting I believe we differ on our prospective of marriage vows. Furthermore, just because thousands do it does not make it correct in my opinion.

When I married my wife it was for life. As I've aged, and man have I ever aged  ;D, I'm glad that I never crossed that line. There is an union that can only be found though the years of keeping those vows that at times are tested in the face of the winds of life.

As I stated all opinons are welcome here and this one is mine.

We don't differ at all.    I've been married, to the same woman, for over 40 years.    And you're right when you say just because thousands do it does not make it right.    However the fact is it happens and all too often.   No one makes a fuss until it's a celebrity.    Then the new media go on a feeding frenzy.    They'll flog this until someone else messes up there personal life then they be on them like a pack of hounds.    I have to wonder what all this media attention has done to Tiger and his wifes and their chances of making up?
Now, we should all get back to smoking something for our tastebuds  .