First Forey into the World of Snack Turds

Started by oakville smoker, December 11, 2009, 05:36:33 PM

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oakville smoker

If you uneed a laugh, well you have come to the right place

I waited patiently for all my snack stix stuff to come
Been looking at the new grinder for 2 weeks now and thought...  lets do er

I ground all the meat without losing any fingers
I followed the instructions for mixing spices, cure and meat, I even weighed it and discovered my scale has a tare function
I had the horn all ready to go, had casings all ready to go, they came with my snack stix kit


I dont have the right horn
What am I going to do now?
The meat has cure and spice and will be a lump of concrete if I try to freeze or save it
My boss pays me not to panic, so I took a deep breath, no time for a beer.....

I remember have some hog casings in the fridge
Can I do this?  Never used a grinder or stuffed a sausage before.  Too dumb to know better maybe
Rinse, rinse, rinse
Load em on the stuffer

Start  filling casings and try to minimally stuff
Seems to be working.  I pinned and poked them all  and now we will see what happens
They are in the fridge and I will smoke tomorrow I hope

And on the 5th day, God gave the world snack turds

All I wanted to do was slow smoke some ribs.  Another addiction created thanks to the Bradley that requires regular servicing...  But what an addiction to have.  Even better to share here with some of the best people on the planet.

Would you like smoke with that sir ?


Been there Done that as well OS. I think I would have stuffed the casings as full as you could have only to reduce any fat pockets forming on you. But TRIAL BY FIRE seems to teach us more. I wish you all the best on your Snack Turd forey!!
Bacon is the Crack Cocaine of the Food World.

Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!


Sometimes terminology solves everything.
Just call 'em "Oakville Oysters"
No Swine Left Behind KCBS BBQ Team
Peoria Custom Cookers "Meat Monster"
Lang Clone - 'Blue October'
Original Bradley Smoker
MAK 1 Star General
Traeger Lil' Tex
Backwoods Chubby


oakville smoker

snack turd food porn for all ....  indulge !
I still have to order a new horn that fits the right size casing but all is not lost...

All I wanted to do was slow smoke some ribs.  Another addiction created thanks to the Bradley that requires regular servicing...  But what an addiction to have.  Even better to share here with some of the best people on the planet.

Would you like smoke with that sir ?


I thought I smelt some "turdy" smell coming from the east.

;D ;D
Betcha they still taste great!



This is about the only time you'd hear me say I'd eat a turd. ;D
Rodney Dangerfield got his material from watching me.
Learn to hunt deer

oakville smoker

Me too....   LOL

It could have been worse, I might not have had any casings at all and had to throw the meat away

That reminds me, I need to order a new stuffer horn so I can do this properly over the Christmas break.
All I wanted to do was slow smoke some ribs.  Another addiction created thanks to the Bradley that requires regular servicing...  But what an addiction to have.  Even better to share here with some of the best people on the planet.

Would you like smoke with that sir ?


Great looking pics oakvillesmoker, can,t wait to here about your next smoke.  ;D


Ain't nothing wrong with them. Looks like they turned out pretty good.
Bacon is the Crack Cocaine of the Food World.

Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!


Thats some good lookin snack logs you made up there oakville, bet they still taste good. Even if you didnt have any casings you could still roll them out into sticks and smoke them with out stuffing.