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On Adding Pics to your Posts

Started by MallardWacker, February 19, 2004, 02:37:47 AM

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Hi Folks,

There have been some questions about adding pics to our posts on the BS forum.  I hope we can all get the hang of this, it will sure to add quite a bit of spice to the o'l forum. Here are my sugestions and observations about this subject.  I will always yeild if some can do it better or have better ideas.  Life is to short to worry about the small stuff.

First.  You must have a web site that will host your digital pics.  May I sugest Village Photos http://www.villagephotos.com.
The web site must alow you to have something called bandwidth.  If it doesn't allow you something on the line of 3 to 5 megs it may not be the one for you.  This is why I sugest Village Photos, for $5 for six months they will host 25 pics at any one time and allow you to have 5 megs of bandwidth a day.  This is called the "X" package upgrade.  (the free service from village photos will not work for this)  If you size your photos correct, you can do alot with this. One last thing about Village Photos, it is so easy to sign up, upload pics, get the url's for your pics, is way to easy.  Even some of us old farts won't even need our kids to help.

Second.  When you get your pics uploaded, the site will give you a url address.  (With a one click from Village Photos it copies that address to yuor clip board.) Place that url on a blank line where you want your pic to show.  High-light that line and press the "insert image" button on your tool bar.  What you have done at this point is you told the post to go to the host of your pics and retrieve what you want to show.

About pics.  May I suggest .jpg format.  (when you upload to village photos it has drop down menu on compressing your pics,  with this tool you can get your file size fairly small)  You will have to experiment some to see what quality comes out.  Take my word for it, you DO NOT need to have large file size or Hi rez photos to make it look cool or get your point across.  These photos that you see are not ment to be printed thus not needing alot of data.  When you use large file size photos all you do is burn up your bandwidth. (or how many times a day peoople can see your photos.)

The above pic is only 7kb big (750x600)I started out with a 10meg Adobe Photoshop file.  I feel the quality is just fine.

I'm sure I am missing something.  I will be glad to help any one.

Please, please add to this you have an easier way.  I am told that (from my Son) that there are some sites that do this hosting for free.  I have found out that free is not always good.  For $5 for six months I don't think I went wrong.



If a man says he knows anything at all, he knows nothing what he aught to know.  But...


Perryville, Arkansas

It's not how much you smoke but how many friends you make while doing it...


You Da Man, MW!!  ThanX for the GREAT advice and the website pic hosting suggestion [:)]  I'll be checking into VillagePhotos and hope to be posting some droolers soon[:p]

Kummok @ Homer, AK USA