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Abbreviations For Items

Started by NePaSmoKer, December 31, 2009, 10:11:27 AM

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Here is a list of abbreviations for some added items.

ECA: Encapsulated Citric Acid
CA: Citric Acid
PM: Powdered Milk
RF: Rice Flour
SP: Soy Powder
BF: Binding Flour
SPC: Soy Protein Concentrate
CSS: Corn Syrup Solids
CS: Corn Syrup (clear karo)
KG: Knox Gelatin
DXP: Dextrose Powder

BP: Buttermilk Powder
PDM: Powder Dry Milk (non-fat)
WP: Whey Powder
MSG: Ya'll know what this is
AP: Ames Phosphate
AS: Apple Sauce

LHP: Bactoferm
F-RM-52: Bactoferm
T-SPX: Bactoferm
F-LC: Bactoferm

PP#1: Prague Powder #1  AKA
Cure #1 or Pink Salt
OR Insta Cure #1
MTQ: Mortons Tender Quick
MSFSC: Mortons Smoke Flavor Sugar Cure

PP#2: Prague Powder #2 AKA
Insta Cure #2,  Cure #2 used for dry cure salami, some dry or semi dry sausages. There is a large list of dried cured meats.

CT: Carolina Treet   ;D
SCT: Southern Carolina Treet   ;D

Hope this helps some. Feel free to add to the list.



thanx nepa thats great ,printed and in the recipe book.


nepa did you ever use or hear of brifisol? the butcher i had make some sticks up for me recomended trying it .


Quote from: 4blade on January 01, 2010, 01:27:48 PM
nepa did you ever use or hear of brifisol? the butcher i had make some sticks up for me recomended trying it .

BRIFISOL 512 is an agglomerated blend of sodium polyphosphates, designed to remain water soluble and protein effective even at very low processing temperatures and in the presence of salt. Produced in a unique agglomeration process, BRIFISOL 512 will disperse quickly and evenly throughout the meat tissue, rapidly solubilizing the protein and thus effectively increasing moisture retention.


TANSTAAFL - There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch (I don't think the current administration understands this one)

YGBSM (you gotta' be s*#tting me)

OK, maybe this is a little off topic ;D



Great list Nepas!
It has been bookmarked  :)

I got a couple to add:

S: Salt
P: Pepper

:-[ well, at least what the shakers say.


Quote from: Caribou on January 02, 2010, 08:16:20 PM
Great list Nepas!
It has been bookmarked  :)

I got a couple to add:

S: Salt
P: Pepper

:-[ well, at least what the shakers say.

I cant get my shakers to say nuthin  :D



Quote from: NePaSmoKer on January 03, 2010, 06:18:51 AM
Quote from: Caribou on January 02, 2010, 08:16:20 PM
Great list Nepas!
It has been bookmarked  :)

I got a couple to add:

S: Salt
P: Pepper

:-[ well, at least what the shakers say.

I cant get my shakers to say nuthin  :D


Life's been good to me so far.