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pid dual probes manual

Started by Toker, January 15, 2010, 09:43:14 PM

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You know CRG once you figure out how to autotune you could use your maverick to make your pid remote cordless you sure knew but i just figured it out.


the thing I see about the new Auber is that it will make me lazier than what I already am.


But for me it will be perfect im in wheelchair ;D


Quote from: toker on January 16, 2010, 12:14:43 AM
You know CRG once you figure out how to autotune you could use your maverick to make your pid remote cordless you sure knew but i just figured it out.

say that one more time.

Quote from: toker on January 16, 2010, 12:20:00 AM
But for me it will be perfect im in wheelchair ;D

well you sound kewl to me!


"ahh, group hug, big group hug"
I like to walk threw life on the path of least resistance. But sometimes the path needs a good kick in the ass.

One Big Easy, plus one in a box.


toker watch out for Q. He wants to hug. :D


Quote from: toker on January 16, 2010, 12:14:43 AM
You know CRG once you figure out how to autotune you could use your maverick to make your pid remote cordless you sure knew but i just figured it out.

So with my maverick ET-73 and my Auber I can make my Auber remote thru my Mvaerick?


Quote from: classicrockgriller on January 16, 2010, 12:40:56 AM
Quote from: toker on January 16, 2010, 12:14:43 AM
You know CRG once you figure out how to autotune you could use your maverick to make your pid remote cordless you sure knew but i just figured it out.

So with my maverick ET-73 and my Auber I can make my Auber remote thru my Mvaerick?
this sounds interesting. I would like to hear this process.
I like to walk threw life on the path of least resistance. But sometimes the path needs a good kick in the ass.

One Big Easy, plus one in a box.


Yes you could use your Maverick to remote your pid if you want to; you just place your tower probe next to the auber tower one and you place your meat probe next to your auber meat probe this way you could monitor it from inside your hose. This way it's more lazy way to use your Maverick lol ;D

BTW i don't know if I'm so cool I'm just trying to have a passion wheelchair or not
with the bradley its not so difficult i think i became addicted to it that's it. :D


In other words the auber act like a Maverick but it controll your GABI and not only monitor it and the Maverick is your remote.


toker, I'm not a rocket scientist, but what would be remoting is the temps from the maverick probes, right?


yes the maverick would remote and the auber would controll ok but most members who use both of them say its about 1-2 degrees difference only for the meat and the smoker. so lets say your meat read 120 with auber and 119 with maverick, just take it under consideration if you place them next to each others you know each time it increase 1 deg it should do the same with the other so when your auber beep to tell you that the meat is ready your maverick should be 1 deg about ready. Thats what others memebers said at least ex your desired IT is 195 for brisket when its 195 with the auber its 194 with the maverick if you put the really close to each others. Same thing with your gabi temp.
Did you understand sorry im from quebec Canada english is my 2ng language.


I might have to re-read this tomorrow.

I think my brain tonite is Canadian Crown Royal

Are you French?


So you are saying insert the maverick meat probe and the Auber meat probe side by side and I would know by remote what my Auber is thinking.


yes im french canadian. what i said is there is only 1-2 deg difference from each other all the way from bigining until the end of the cooking  process if you place them really close from each other it will stay this way same for meat and for tower so the maverick should remote about the same temp than the auber at 1-2 deg diffrence. same for meat and for tower. at 1-2 deg difference its a pretty good remote