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Smoked Cream Cheese

Started by ArnieM, January 24, 2010, 10:07:27 AM

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I did a bar in my last cheese smoke.  It held up surprisingly well.  Anyway ...

Did potato pancakes this morning, rustic style.  Shredded potato and onion, S&P and cayenne.  Fried 'em up and spread on some of the smoked cream cheese.  Good stuff.

Pic of what's left.
-- Arnie

Where there's smoke, there's food.


Did some cream cheese when I did my cheese smoke and like you was surprised how well it held up.

Wifie likes CC on crackers and other tidbits and she like the smoked CC very well.


Well, seemore and I are going to have to try this the next time we smoke cheese.
We did some goat cheese in the last smoke, and it was really good on crackers and in main dishes.
I imagine the cream cheese would be roughly on the same line......


Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm Cream Cheese.

Havent smoked any yet but the CC is on our grocery list each week, Taby really likes it and this Sun she made some stuff that had CC, sour cream, grapes and some other sweet stuff. Wasnt bad but I'm not mush of a sweet eater.

Like I tell the kids "I'm so sweet I dont need anything sweet"   ;D


HHHmmmmmmm.......smoked cream cheese.How about making a cheese cake with that.....might be interesting.


I dunno about the cheesecake.  It seems to me the smoke might make it too savory.  It goes good on crackers and bagels and stuff.  I might try it in a dip.

Thanks for your suggestion.
-- Arnie

Where there's smoke, there's food.


Quote from: ArnieM on January 26, 2010, 02:26:17 PM
I dunno about the cheesecake.  It seems to me the smoke might make it too savory.  It goes good on crackers and bagels and stuff.  I might try it in a dip.

Thanks for your suggestion.



Quote from: pfowl01 on January 26, 2010, 01:08:28 PM
HHHmmmmmmm.......smoked cream cheese.How about making a cheese cake with that.....might be interesting.

I've always wanted to try the smoked cream cheese and make a savory cheesecake to be used as an appetizer.  To spread on crackers & stuff.


-- Arnie

Where there's smoke, there's food.




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Quote from: classicrockgriller on January 26, 2010, 02:49:53 PM
Quote from: ArnieM on January 26, 2010, 02:26:17 PM
I dunno about the cheesecake.  It seems to me the smoke might make it too savory.  It goes good on crackers and bagels and stuff.  I might try it in a dip.

Thanks for your suggestion.

Cheeeeseball Mmmmmmmmmmm.
I like to walk threw life on the path of least resistance. But sometimes the path needs a good kick in the ass.

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Pfowl there is a cheescake recipe that you could probably find on the Food Network website from one of Emeril's shows.
It was a cheescake that was made with jalapenos.  I don't know, but maybe using one block of smoked cream cheese in the batch might enhance it......
I think I might have posted it on this forum, but that was a couple years back...
mrs s


Savory Cheesecakes are goood eats - not better than sweet cheesecake, but very good eats nonetheless.  Last one I did was for my parents 50th anniv.  Had lox, artichoke bottoms, garlic, dill and more items I can't remember.  I think using smoked c.c. would be da bomb!
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