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Started by smokin_fever, February 22, 2004, 04:27:32 PM

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Just got a bradley smoker, and am trying to season it
the biskettes will advance but they are not burning, and do you plug the smoker cabinet into the back of the smoke generator or do you plug it into the outlet also


You should be able to plug the smoker cabinet cord into the smoke generator.  As far as it not burning the biscuits, how long did you try it.  It will take a while for the burner to come to full heat.  I usually only advance a biscuit out once.  Not all the way to the burner on the end.  That way when it advances again in 20 minutes, the burner will be hotter than hell.[}:)][}:)]

Let your trout go and smoke a salmon instead.


I second trout's suggestion: if in doubt wait a little longer. The first time I fired up the Bradley it took longer to produce smoke then I expected. It was no big deal but it took some getting used to.

Check your connections, try again, and wait at least an hour.


I waited over an hour and it just advanced the biskette into my drip pan
where are you at in SD trout I am from there originally


<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by smokin_fever</i>
<br />I waited over an hour and it just advanced the biskette into my drip pan

<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

Check the generator heating element. How hot is it getting?


Smokin,  I live near SiouxFalls, by the Minn. border.  Anyway, It sounds like the heat element isn't even on.  There is a fuse in the back of the smoke generator also.  I don't know if this is just for the heat element or if it is for the current to the advancer as well.  But you might want to check it.  Maybe Chez Bubba can help us out here if he has seen this before.[?]

Let your trout go and smoke a salmon instead.

Chez Bubba

New one on me.

Does the on/off switch light up when you turn it on?

Does the heater bulb glow orange if you turn on the heat?


Ya think next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non?" they would mind?
Ya think if next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non", they would mind?


Thanks to trout and chez bubba
I still couldn't get it to work, called bradley and they are sending me a new heat element , said that it must be bad, will be here in a couple of days, can't wait to try my smoker, got a great recipe for ribs. Trout I am originally from Winner SD and my niece lives in Sioux Falls now, I come back once a year to pheasant hunt, I have a german shorthaired pointer and there doesn't seem to be any pheasants in Illinois
                       Thanks All


<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by smokin_fever</i>
<br />
I still couldn't get it to work, called bradley and they are sending me a new heat element , said that it must be bad,
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

So I take it the heating element was not heating up enough? Not heating up at all? Please give us the details, it's useful information.

Looking forward to hearing your success stories once you get your unit running.

Chez Bubba


So let me get this straight. If the heating element (bulb) is bad, the bisquette burner plate will not work? I did not know they were wired that way. Please let me know if that solves your problem, as regforte said, it's useful information to have.

BTW, there are plenty of pheasant in IL. I make a once-a-year pilgramage to Gridley (due east of Peoria) and have no problem kickin' up plenty. It may become more than once-a-year in the future. We're getting a dratharr puppy in the spring.


On Edit: My smoke generator works fine all by itself, could it possibly know when the box was plugged into it? I'm not an electrician, just thinking out loud.

Ya think next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non?" they would mind?
Ya think if next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non", they would mind?


Just thinkin' aloud here, but I don't see any indication of any sensor that would tell the smoke generator that the box (and quartz heating element) is attached.  All that's apparent is the 3 conductor cord to supply power from the smoke generator to the quartz element. I haven't been inside the smoke generator guts (yet!), but I'm  HIGHLY sceptical of any link between the quartz tube and the puck heating element....I don't think there is any operational connection between the two.....I believe that Smokin_Fever just had an extremely rare occurance of a bad puck burner outta the box.....not much can go wrong with a burner's simple design other than a break in the connection/conductor (UNLESS there's a high limit switch run amock).....mine's still under warranty so I won't know about the guts until I need to fix something AFTER the warranty's out and as reliable as it's been so far, that could be a looooong time [:)]

Kummok @ Homer, AK USA

Chez Bubba


That's exactly along the lines of what I was thinking as well, you just did a better job of 'splainin'. There are several blade connectors inside the generator box, I wonder if one of those might be disconnected?

Ya think next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non?" they would mind?
Ya think if next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non", they would mind?


Thanks guys for all the help
got my new heating element for the heat generator
I had to turn the heat generator upside down and take it apart a few screws and unplug the element and put it back together, works great
Have made venison sticks, pork spare ribs, and as I am talking chicken and ribs
I know alot about curing and sausage making, I will be glad to help if I can
Smoke on

Chez Bubba

Well that's a new one on me but I'm glad you're up & running.

Of course we'd like to hear your recipes & tips. Please share.

Ya think next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non?" they would mind?
Ya think if next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non", they would mind?