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I've seen Hab's new layout for the recipes on the recipe site!!!!!!!!!!!!

Started by Oldman, February 02, 2010, 10:29:47 AM

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I have access to Hab's private test area. I looked at his new test layout and it sent goose bumps down my back. It is so much superior to the layout I did that I'm excited. (And no you cannot access his area.)

It is good to see the recipe site coming into its own...that is to say mature.

Hab you are Da'Man~~! Thank you so much!

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Habanero Smoker

For now I'll probably just use that layout for articles; trying to code the tables is driving me crazy. :) Once I get more comfortable with the codes, I'll use it for recipes also.



I think Trey said something about tables being added to the next version.  Then again I could be wrong. However, it would be nice it they were and had the easy  of use that they have in WordPerfect.

BTW I have both WordPerfect Suit and MS Office Suit and between us chickens you can keep MS -- I will stay with WordPerfect.

QuoteHow about a teaser screen shot Old's???

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oakville smoker

That looks amazing but I am still very appreciative of the current version
Job very well done
All I wanted to do was slow smoke some ribs.  Another addiction created thanks to the Bradley that requires regular servicing...  But what an addiction to have.  Even better to share here with some of the best people on the planet.

Would you like smoke with that sir ?


Looks real good.  I like it  ;D
Not being critical - just trying to help...  it's spelled "Description".
No Swine Left Behind KCBS BBQ Team
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QuoteNot being critical - just trying to help...  it's spelled "Description".
To funny... I missed that!

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Habanero Smoker


Thanks for catching that. I use spell check when I finish a draft. It would drive me nuts if I used it every time typed a few paragraphs or used cut and paste. Also typing in code for a few hours doesn't help matters. :)


I got the enhanced editor to work with Firefox, but not in IE 8 or IE 7. So I will check the settings of IE to see it that can be corrected. It's either enhanced or standard, and I have to manually change the settings to switch between the two. In the past the "Switch Editor Mode" button gave me the ability to switch back and forth without changing settings, that button does not work.




You are right.  Habs is the man.  He is an integral part of this forum.  So are you.

Thanks to both of you and your efforts.


My wife is a Wordperfect holdout also.  She has written a Children's Church Curriculum that is used in Churchs coast to coast, Alaska and in Canada.  It is a couple of feet thick.  Unfortunately for her, Word has become the standard and it has caused problems in conversion. 



"The universe is a big place
probably the biggest"


QuoteMy wife is a Wordperfect holdout also.  She has written a Children's Church Curriculum that is used in Churchs coast to coast, Alaska and in Canada.  It is a couple of feet thick.  Unfortunately for her, Word has become the standard and it has caused problems in conversion
Has your wife considered coverting her document over to a PDF file?

I have PDF Converter 4 (there is now a 6) and it allows me to mix all formats into one PDF file. (images, Word, WordPerfect etc..)

I have WordPerfect 8 (1997) and the latest WordPerfect Office X4. The latter will convert to PDF but I have yet to find a way to manage the KB size in it.

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She is running the old WP 8 like you.  We are looking for some easy converter to put everything on disc that cannot be manipulated, copied, and every page runs the Church's name who bought the product on the bottom.  It also needs to be compatible with a WP8 conversion.  She has used a lot of the bells and whistles of WP to produce this and conversions to Word do not come out.   

We aren't looking too hard because I am sure it is out there.  I have looked into Adobe as a platform but have not pursued it deeply. 

Any advice is appreciated.  It is a great product that gets rave reviews by all who use it.  It is labor intensive and takes committed volunteers. 

Thanks for your comments,



While I have not see PDF Converter 6 I will tell you that 4 is a snap! Just use the Assistance and point to the files you want converted. You have options. To combine all files into one PDF file or to create a single PDF files for those in your list.

Also you can set the quality of the PDF.

BTW as far a locking up your PDF file with today's programs anyone can screw with your information /  file.

You can purchase PDF Converter 6 here: http://shop.nuance.com/DRHM/servlet/ControllerServlet?Action=DisplayProductDetailsPage&SiteID=nuanceus&Locale=en_US&Env=BASE&productID=139231400  It is their basic offering and it should do what you want. Plus it is less than $50.00.

Systems Requirements:
Windows XP 32-bit Edition with Service Pack 3 – Windows Vista 32-bit or 64-bit Editions with Service Pack 1
■Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or above
■256 MB of memory (RAM), 512 MB recommended
■130 MB of free hard disk space for application files plus 20 MB working space during installation.

Hope this helps,

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Thanks for taking the time to help and point in the right direction.  I'll look these over.  I'm glad you are a WP fan.  You've given me some hope for an easy fix.



Acrobat security will keep the casual thieves away, but their security can be easily cracked with the proper (and marginally illegal) tools.

You can lock down a PDF so that it can't be modified, printed, content copied/pasted - to a point.
But you can still copy the file over and over...   Or print screenshots of the PDF you are viewing.

PM me if you want some more info about it..   That's what I've been doing for the last 10 years. (IBM mainframe software development for PDF creation/conversion/security/content extraction)