Metal taste in leftovers???

Started by TMB, February 03, 2010, 08:09:12 AM

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Hey all, I noticed in the last year I taste metal in my leftover meat the next day. If I cook yard bird or red meat I seem to get a bad taste when I reheat it at work. This goes for beef roast, chicken, turkey and even pork roast.  I taste this if it's brined or not and sometimes the meat taste old, but when right off the grill,smoker or Big Easy it great!

Any idea's or thoughts???  ??? 
Live, ride, eat well and thank God!


Do you store any of your leftovers in aluminum foil Tommy? Salts and acids can cause a reaction with foil that you could taste.

Just thinking out loud.  ;D


 :D  :D

I never had anything taste like metal from any of my smokers or grills. Like Hawkeye said left in foil or a reactive type pan?


No foil, I store mine in Glad lockable containers or vacuum seal.  I wonder if the meat taste this way because of reheating in a micowave? I really like leftovers for lunch but I just can't stand to eat them now.  When I was younger a turkey sandwhich was the best but now the meat seems to taste old and funny.  I tried different ways of storing them plastic wrap, containers and even vacuum sealing but it always turns out bad?  If I freeze them or fridge it's all the same it seems.

I hate to cook a nice roast and then toss it out because of the taste.  If I buy store bought (I hate that) I don't get that taste, so any help, thoughts would be great. 
Live, ride, eat well and thank God!


Do you reheat in the same microwave every time?   


Quote from: squirtthecat on February 03, 2010, 09:21:11 AM

Do you reheat in the same microwave every time?   
At work yes, but the food still tatse funny at home. May be my taste buds are going south, I just don't see why the meat taste great one day and funny the next?  I keep it in the fridge so it stays cold I just don't get it.
Live, ride, eat well and thank God!


Do you have a second fridge you can try storing to see if that is the difference?


This could be way out in left field but what are you eating or drinking prior to having the meat?  Perhaps your tastebuds are out of whack.  I know when I am cooking, I refrain from having anything that could affect my sense of taste.  For example, having something sweet.

Another crazy idea is do you change your baking soda box every 3 months?
Maybe other flavors in your fridge are finding their way into your food.


Does it happen with non-smoked food items ?
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Quote from: azamuner73 on February 03, 2010, 11:01:59 AM
This could be way out in left field but what are you eating or drinking prior to having the meat?  Perhaps your tastebuds are out of whack.  I know when I am cooking, I refrain from having anything that could affect my sense of taste.  For example, having something sweet.

Another crazy idea is do you change your baking soda box every 3 months?
Maybe other flavors in your fridge are finding their way into your food.

Yeah and change your drawers once-a-day too  :D  :D

Sorry i had to  :D  ;D


You might want to mention it to your doctor/dentist..  There are food allergy/drug side-effect/mouth infection issues that might cause this.

Or you are pregnant.  But I somehow I doubt that..   :D


nepas knows this from experience! ;D


Ya' know I didn't think about the baking soda good thought!    My fridge is good, no problem there, it just seems the food I cook has the taste not store bought meat- like bacon is good, sausage is good, hambuger meat ok.  Now if I cook burgers outside there fine and hotdogs also.  I thought it was the brine I made but I fried a chicken in TBE and it had no brine but still had that funny after taste at work the next day.

It's hard to describe but it's like the food is old or just out of date taste, eventhough I just cooked it and well within the time to be sold.  I hate (like I stated) to cook a great roast or yardbird and then toss it out because I can't eat it for lunch.

Keep the thought coming I'm sure I'll figure this one out,

thanks for the help.    
Live, ride, eat well and thank God!


Quote from: classicrockgriller on February 03, 2010, 11:17:16 AM
nepas knows this from experience! ;D


never wear aluminum foil antennas or foil lined drawers thinking your going to meet little green men while drinking your Makers and smelling cool blue butt smoke rolling from your Bradley. this makes everything taste like metal for months.



Let's see what we can rule out Tommy.

You have used a smoker, grill and TBE.  We can't blame any one of those.

You said you have stored the food in plastic containers, plastic wrap and vac sealed it.  I think we can rule out the storage medium as a problem.

You said the problem occurs whether the food is in the freezer or fridge.  So, we can probably eliminate those as a problem.  You don't keep your old socks in there - do you?

You heat the food up in the nuker at work.  I doubt if this is the problem.  But, can you heat it up in your home nuker for comparison.  Also try reheating in a pot or by placing a bag of food in boiling water to reheat and compare.

There's not much left other than - you.
-- Arnie

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