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6 Rack Digital smoker temperature

Started by alanwyatt, February 26, 2010, 08:50:38 AM

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Hi.  Just purchased my first Bradley.  V. exciting, but a bit confused.  I seasoned it as per the instructions, set the temp at 66deg (150f).  At the end of one hour though the temp display showed 75deg!  Am I doing something wrong or do I perhaps have a fault?  Any advice would be much appreciated please.  Ambient temp. is 6 deg & windy.


Are your temps listed C or F, as you quoted both to begin with?
I'm no expert but outside ambient temp and especially wind will
affect you temp.  If your DBS was colder that set temp that would explain it,
may take longer to get up to temp. in cold and wind.  I always preheat my (OBS) on full high
then dial back once I get it loaded.(but not anymore as I finally got my PID ;D ;D)
Hope this helps, as I am not familiar with the BDS.

Either Way....I'm Smoke'N It


Mine did that when I bought it.    Only heat I was getting was from the smoke generator.   Turn yours on and set temp to what you want.   Take out the V tray and watch you heating element.    If it doesn't glow red shortly after you've turned it on then you have the same problem I had.   One of the wires inside the generator is not connected.   Easy fix.    Open  up the generator and you'll see a loose wire and a place it should be attached to.   Reconnect and you're good to go.


Hi sNc.  Sorry for the confusion but I'm in England where we can't seem to make up our minds whether to use degrees C or F for temps!  The problem is that I set it at 66C but it actually read 75C after one hour.  i.e. far too hot. I'm wondering whether sensor lead or thermostat is faulty, but also whether the temp displayed is the actual temp in the smoke tower.  Excuse a stupid question but what is a PID?

Thanks also RAF128.  That's good news and I'll investigate tomorrow.  It's nearly 6pm, cold, dark and windy, so I'll stay inside till then.

Thanks again both of you



Ah.    I don't think my fix applies in this case.    Sounds like it's the normal temp swings common to digital bradleys.     If you watch the temp you should see it go up and down, up and down and so on.

Mr Walleye

Hi Alan and welcome to the forum.

I agree with RAF and would say it is likely the normal temp swings. When the smoker is empty you typically see larger swings in temp because there isn't a big piece of meat in there absorbing the heat. You will also find as your load (meat) starts to come up to temp a few hours into the smoke, the temp swings become much less.


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Thanks for that.  I did wonder if it might swing a lot.  I'll check it over and try it loaded next.  Thanks again


QuoteExcuse a stupid question but what is a PID?

Alan, NO such thing as a stupid question around hear! (I know I ask allot,ha ha)
In the simplest terms a PID is a device that controlls the temp in your smoker.
The are very accurate and keep temp swings to within +/-1deg F
(I think, I too use both F and C, but don't know why)
Here is a link to check them out.http://auberins.com/
This is where most of us get them.  Some hear have built their own.

I think the others have ya covered as far as your problem.
Good luck, load her up and get smoking!! ;)

Either Way....I'm Smoke'N It


Welcome, enjoy your stay.

Just a comment on a PID.   Aubers makes a dual probe PID that is out of stock right until April and not on the site right now.  It monitors cabinet temp and IT (internal temp) of meat.   A bit more money, but would have been very useful last night.   Had two butts that were being stubborn so at midnight I turned the temp down a bit and went to bed, they still are not finished this morning.   With the dual probe I could have left the temp up at 220 gone to bed and if the butt reached its set IT, the PID would have turned the cabinet temp down to hold that temp. 
If you got it, smoke it.


W E L C O M E  to the Forum alanwyatt!
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Original Bradley Smoker with Dual probe PID
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Firstly, thanks to all who reassured me about the temperature.  You were correct, as soon as I loaded the smoker it held the correct temp throughout.

Secondly, thank you for your welcomes.  Very kind.

Thirdly - cleaning!  I wash the racks, drip tray and water bowl each time, but should i wash the interior of the smoker as well?  Whilst it seems hygienic to do so, it appears to me that this would remove the seasoning and reduce the flavour.  Any advice would be appreciated please.


Welcome Alan.  No, don't clean the inside of the smoker.  The darker it gets, the better!  Glad your temp swings are 'under control'.
-- Arnie

Where there's smoke, there's food.


What Arnie said, dont wash off the seasoning.

But I will add you should wash the door gasket and the mating surface, with rubbing alcohol, every now and  then just to keep them from sticking and maybe tearing the gasket.