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bisquette advance delay

Started by db14, March 07, 2010, 07:15:06 PM

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So I guess I had just never thought about it, but I found out today.  Once you push the advance button on the smoke generator the pucks start moving, but they don't start burning until 40 minutes later.  I kept checking (not opening the door, just smelling through the vent) and thinking to myself "it doesn't smell that smokey."  Then all of a sudden.....Bam!  Smoke!  I got it loud and clear there.  It wasn't a big deal since I was just seasoning it, but now I know.  So it takes two pucks to push one onto the element and each puck moves every 20 minutes, then it would take 40 minutes for the smoke to start to roll, right? 

With that in mind do you guys typically start this process while you're pre-heating the tower?  Mine was up to 150 F in about 15 minutes, but if I was aiming for 225 F it might be different.  But do I want to put the meat in before the smoke is actually rolling out or does it really matter?  I wouldn't think the first 20 minutes without smoke would matter when you have it in there for multiple hours, but I'm deferring to the experts.


I like to preheat around 250* for 30 minutes or so.

I leave it on 250* while I load up the smoker and for the first 30 minutes

to an hour to let the Bradley catch up to the mass that was just put in.

I usually start my first smoke about 20 minutes after loading.

Tiny Tim

Or you can just press the advance button 2 more times (wait for the pusher's cycle to complete between presses) to get the first bisquette to the burner.

Habanero Smoker

I'm not sure if you have the original or digital. I preheat the smoker and generator at the same time. Then I do what TT does, when I am ready to smoke I load the chute and push the advance button three times. That will move the first bisquette to the burner. Wait until the advance cycle is completed before you push the button a second and third time.



Pushing the advance button two more times makes sense, but how do you know when the cycle is complete?

I have teh OBS by the way.


Quote from: db14 on March 08, 2010, 07:45:59 AM
Pushing the advance button two more times makes sense, but how do you know when the cycle is complete?

I have teh OBS by the way.

The cycle takes about 10 seconds to complete. You can push the button again when things stop moving.
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Just listen to it. You can hear it pull back and advance, then once it is done that cycle you can push the button again. When I first got mine I wanted to see how it worked so i just put in one puck and then pushed the button, added another puck and pushed it again. Then you get the gist of how it goes and the sound is matched to the actions and you know what it is doing.
I like to walk threw life on the path of least resistance. But sometimes the path needs a good kick in the ass.

One Big Easy, plus one in a box.


Ok, I could tell by the sound when I had it going yesterday, but I just wanted to make sure there wasn't something I was missing.  I'd like to protect my investment from any expensive lessons that I can learn by just asking.


Continuing on the same theme.  I have a further query.  I think I remember reading somewhere on here that when you press the bisquette advance button it resets the advance timer to start a new 20 minute cycle but with my digital this does not happen; the pucks advance every twenty minutes on the controller timer, regardless of when the advance button was last pressed. i.e. if i press the advance button after 19 minutes have passed on the timer, it will advance again after 20 minutes have passed (not after 39 minutes have passed).  Is this the way they all work or is mine different?  It does not really matter whichever way it is you can get used to it but it helps to understand the operation.


I'll let someone with a digital answer that, but with the OBS it resets each time you push the button, So if you advance a puck for whatever reason it will cycle again in another 20 mins.
I like to walk threw life on the path of least resistance. But sometimes the path needs a good kick in the ass.

One Big Easy, plus one in a box.


I have the digital and it goes by the time displayed no matter when you push the advance botton. If you have 5 min left on the display and you advance a puck the next one will automatically advance in 5 min.


OK, just unpacked my birthday gift (a BTIS1 Original Smoker), set it up and tried to start a seasoning cycle.  Nothing happens when I push the Advance Button.  I removed the smoke generator from the Smoker Tower, brought it inside, and tried again several times.  Nothing happens. Fuse is OK, light comes on, element is heating up, but no advance or the Bisquette.  Anyone got any ideas.  It is Sunday and not one is answering at Bradley.   ???



Thanks, but this is a brand new unit, so no issue with debris.  Does not appear to be anything else out there in the FAQs.


It takes 3 press' on the advance button to get the first puck to the burner.

When you press the advance button can you hear anything in the smoke gen box?