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Bacon - strange colour. Opinions please.

Started by Slamdunk, March 09, 2010, 07:10:16 PM

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First time loading pics, so hopefully it will work.

I am planning on smoking some Pork Loin Bacon. I used the Bradley Maple cure and followed their instructions to the letter. I did add some Pure Maple Syrup and black pepper to the cure.

I put four 1/2 loins each in their own separate zip-lock bag 9 days ago and have been turning them every day.

Fridge temp is 37 degrees F.

When I went to turn them tonight I noticed that one of the loins has a very red meaty area as if the cure is not doing it's job. It is the only one to have this, and strangely this is the first time I have noticed it. This being the first time I have done bacon I have looked at the meat quite carefully these last 9 days.

It does not have any particular strong or strange odor.

I'm confused. Any thoughts? Here are two pics...


Is it possible that this spot was not in the brine? Like maybe it floated up.
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Quarlow it was a dry cure. And I made sure to turn it every night. One additional thing your question made me think of- there is not a lot of liquid in the bags. Now, this is lean pork loin, not pork belly, so I wasn't expecting a lot of liquid but I'm wondering about the whole thing now....

I can't think of anything I did wrong ......but ....

Habanero Smoker

If that area is not curing (it is hard to tell since that area of the loin has different muscle groups) then by the looks of it, it not due to you improperly applying the cure to that area. The straight line indicates to me that it was either laying in one position for a long time without turning, or that this particular loin was in area that was pressed up against a cold spot of the refrigerator, or if you stacked the loins that one could have been on the bottom and the pressure from the meat above slowed the curing action; but that can be eliminates since you used separate Ziploc bags.

Even when you thermometer will read 37°F, there are areas in your refrigerator that can be colder or warmer. I wouldn't be concerned about the meat, it should be safe - it has been refrigerated this whole time. After cooking and you slice into it, if there are areas that come out brown or grayish brown, then you know the cure did not work in that area. Although it may look unpleasant it is still alright to eat; just treat it as you would fresh cooked meat.



I thought exactly the same as Habs as soon as I saw the pic.  Looks like that particular piece has been against something for a prolonged period of time that resulted in the cure not getting to it like the other pieces.  Could be as innocent as the bag it was in sticking to it in that particular area.

Habs is a master at these sort of things.  Go with his thoughts and ideas.



Thanks for the replies guys.

After posting my question and with the magical help of the "search" function, I found another thread addressing the same problem and Habs you gave good advice then too!!!

Habs, I did stack the packs of meat, but only two high so there could have been some pressure, but because I rotated it every day I don't think it would be the cause. I'm wondering if the plastic bag could have gotten "stuck" to the meat and not allowed the liquid to seep into the meat as much as the other parts.

I'm feeling better about things ...and looking forward to some good smoking this w/e. Just another example of how valuable this forum is - if it weren't for this forum and all the shared experiences, I'd have chucked all the meat. Thanks again!!



KY, I guess I was writing my reply as you posted about the plastic sticking to the meat. Great minds think alike , or something....

Just an update, as a result of your comments, I've moved the meat up a level in the fridge. I did have it on the bottom (coldest) part of the fridge, and can't remember at what level I placed the thermometer when it read 37. We'll see what happens.


I think you're going to be fine.  Follow Habs advice.  He knows his stuff.

Habanero Smoker

Stacking and rotating the way you did if fine. Plastic sticking is a good possibility, its a good practice when you flip them over you should rock the bag back and forth to distribute the liquid, also massaging the the meat will loosen the plastic also.


Habanero Smoker

After thinking about the plastic sticking could be a problem, I didn't stop to think that when I cure my meat I expel all the air that I can and the plastic is snug against the meat in all areas, and I have never have a problem of some areas not curing properly; unless the meat was touching the back of the refrigerator.

If that area is not curing (and I'm not sure if it isn't), I would believe it is the temperature. As I said earlier that is in the area were different muscle groups come together, and they are different in color, so the cured color will be different.

I have a loin curing since Monday and should be ready on Sunday evening, if the same area turns out like yours (as it will from time to time) I will post a photo.



Sometimes when I buy pork loins, there is an area at one side that's similar to the "chain" on a beef tenderloin.

I try to remove this area as it is separated from the loin proper by a layer of fat.

This area is always a different color and it kind of looks like your photo.

This might be the answer. 

But I too think that your discolored area will not be a problem.


So the loins are soaking in water as we speak and I'm planning on smoking them today. I'll be using my new meat slicer on one of them but I have a question.... if I slice them all up, keep out one to be eaten in the very near future (most likely tomorrow's breakfast) and freeze the remainder, will they dry out? Or should I just freeze them whole and slice em when I use em?

Why I ask is because it would be less time consuming to slice them all at the same time.

So that others may learn from my experience, I have taken more pictures of the strange colour on that one loin and will post after all is finished.

Thanks for your replies.

Mr Walleye


When I do Canadian Bacon I usually do around 30 lbs at a time. I take it out of the smoker at an IT of 140, allow it to cool at room temp, then wrap in plastic wrap and put it in the fridge for a day. The next day I slice the whole batch, vacuum package it in usable sized packages, and finally freeze it. To thaw it on relatively short notice I just throw a package in a sink of cold water. It works great!


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Thanks Mr Walleye, exactly what I wanted to know.

Habanero Smoker

I do the same as Mike, except I use the 8" wide bags and freeze it smaller batches.
