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Newbie here with first smoke tomorrow

Started by okeechobeefishing, April 16, 2010, 02:43:48 PM

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Hi everyone  Well Saturday will be my first attempt with smoking. I have a 4 rack OBS plan on doing 2 butts both about 7 lbs. Any suggestions or comments would be great. Here is my plan. Tonite will Rub 1 with BAd Byrons butt rub the other John Henrys East Texas. Will refrig overnite and let stand fo 90 mins in the morning. Preheat smoker at 280 degs.Turning down to 210 when putting in the butts. will smoke 4 hours with hickory then let cook untill reaching an IT of 195. Ftc 2 hours and then invite over some friends to sample.Will try to add pictures as I go.   Suggestions or comments would be great as this is my first time..  Thanks Jerry


Welcome to the forum Jerry.

I would leave the smoker on high after putting the butts in. The temp is going to drop when you do. Once the temp recovers to your desired cooking temp, then start adjusting it down.

Also, if your planning on those for dinner tomorrow, I would start cooking them tonight. It's pretty common for a couple of butts like you have to take 18 to 24 hours to get done. Better to have them done early and FTC than be late.

Have fun with it and keep us posted.

Check out the recipe site. Olds Place



Hi Jerry and welcome.  Glad I didn't have to type your handle - too many vowels  ;D

I agree with Hawkeye.  Get 'em done early - they might take longer than you think.  And, this isn't like steak.  You could pull 'em and fridge overnight, then reheat.  Many say they're better that way to even out the smoke.
-- Arnie

Where there's smoke, there's food.


If I start tonite rub would of been on only a couple of hours. comments please


Don't worry about the rub.  It will mainly flavor the outside of the butt.  Whether it's 2 hours or 24 hours, it's not gonna penetrate much.

If you want to get flavor on the inside, get an injector.  It's something you don't want to see your doctor coming down the hall with.  Basically, you "pump up" the butt with your favorite flavors of oil/butter/spices with.  Works very well.

Good luck
-- Arnie

Where there's smoke, there's food.



Don't worry to much about the rub time. It will still be great.

The main thing is to have it ready for those hungry friends your having over.


Alright smoker up to 200 deg. Will be putting in butts hopefully in a little while. Going to up the smoke time to 6 hrs. Can someone tell me about catching the drippings haven't quite firgured that out. going to try to put up pics after I get them in the smoker. Jerry


You can just put a heat resistant pan or bowl under to catch the drippings.
Rodney Dangerfield got his material from watching me.
Learn to hunt deer www.lulu.com/mediabyKevinG


Okee -  Doing my first butt tonight but have done several briskets and ribs.  Like they said, leave the heat up as temp drop is pretty big, even down here in Texas.  Not sure rubbing over night has any advantage.  Have not noticed any for brisket and ribs.  I am counting on the Turbo Butt posted by Ronbeau (sp?) to see if I cook at 250-275 this 7.5 lb will be done in about 12 hours.


well it's 6 in the morning have been in the smoker now for 7.5 hours. Looking good and smelling pretty darn good out there to. Tried to upload some photo's but will need help with that. smoker temp was at 223 which is good. What has me worried is that meat temp was at 179 that seems a bit high for only m7.5 hours. Have a maverick ET-73  Opinions please. Thanks Jerry


-- Arnie

Where there's smoke, there's food.


Rodney Dangerfield got his material from watching me.
Learn to hunt deer www.lulu.com/mediabyKevinG


Well took the butts out at 3 this afternoon smell great. 16.5 Hours in the smoker 6 hours of hickory smoke.Now in for a little FTC. can't wait did sample a little piece that got struck on the tray. Pretty good can't wait to pull and eat.Still can't get the pics. up when I do just the numbers and imj code come up not pic. Thanks Jerry


Quote from: okeechobeefishing on April 17, 2010, 12:52:44 PM
Well took the butts out at 3 this afternoon smell great. 16.5 Hours in the smoker 6 hours of hickory smoke.Now in for a little FTC. can't wait did sample a little piece that got struck on the tray. Pretty good can't wait to pull and eat.Still can't get the pics. up when I do just the numbers and imj code come up not pic. Thanks Jerry

Jerry, after you pasted the img code in your message, did you try clicking on the preview button? I think if you try that your pics should show up.