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Hickory salt

Started by trout, March 09, 2004, 08:52:18 PM

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While my brisket was smoking today, I smoked a pan full of kosher salt.  I had read about this somewhere recently.  The stuff is really good.  It was in there about 6 hours total (only smoking about 4 of that).  I'm thinking this stuff is going to be really good on a steak or baked potato.[8D]

Let your trout go and smoke a salmon instead.

Chez Bubba


I've tried that too in the past trying to replicate "true" smoked salt by where the saltwater is evaporated over an open fire. My take on the results were not as good as the real thing, but pretty tasty & a hell of a lot less money.

The problem lies in the fact that the smoke doesn't penetrate the salt, it only coats it. I tried once using rock salt so that I could freshly grind it. All the flavor is on the outside & to get any real smoke flavor, you had to grind way too much salt. If you popped a nugget into your mouth the "smoke" would dissolve in a heartbeat & you'd be left with a chunk of salt.

I'd guess you're on the right path, pursuing a finer grind with more surface area, but my question would be, if you have to put into a pan, how much smoke would it actually take on?


Ya think next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non?" they would mind?
Ya think if next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non", they would mind?


I used a pan the same size as the Bradley racks, and only put in enough salt to just cover the bottom of the pan.  It took on a smoky color and has a very distinct smoke flavor.  Remember, I was also smoking a brisket at the time, so I think there was alot of smoky steam moving around inside there, and as you know salt will absorb moisture.  Didn't make a large amount, but I am very happy with the results.[:)]

Let your trout go and smoke a salmon instead.

Chez Bubba

Interesting theory, makes sense to me. What type/grind of salt did you use? I gotta give it a try.[:)]


Ya think next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non?" they would mind?
Ya think if next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non", they would mind?


I used kosher salt.  It is not iodized and is more like coarse flakes than the standard tiny grain salt.  It is the type of salt you might use to make a crust on a prime rib.[;)]

Let your trout go and smoke a salmon instead.