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Snack Sticks

Started by OTB, July 02, 2010, 11:55:34 PM

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I want to make snack sticks tomorrow.  Please point to the favorite recipes.


Habanero Smoker

This one seems to be a favorite.

Greg's Spicy Beef Sticks

There are a few more listed on the recipe site:

Sausage Recipes



I thought I had seen a post here or at the recipe site with a substitution chart for curing ingredients.

My question is if I don't have encapsulated citric acid where do I buy it locally or what can I substitute?


Just realized I posted this thread in the wrong forum.  I re-posted in the sausage forum.  Must have been the beers last night.  :,)


Hi guys n gals,  Just a quick note on this recipe,  I am smoking and cooking in a bradley smoker, its taking hours to get these to the recommended is this normal cooking temp,  175f.    I have increased temp to195 to try and finish.  anybody have suggestions,.
Oh by the way , had a hell of at time trying to stuff into skins using NESCO gun, wound up putting a full bottle of GUINESS into it to get it to flow good.(:

Habanero Smoker

One way is to do what you did by adding more liquid. I don't know what amount of sticks you made, or what size bottle of Guinness you used, but the amount of liquid you added seems excessive. The extra liquid could cause a longer smoke time.

Other things I find helpful, is to not allow the sausage mixture to sit for too long before stuffing. The longer it sits it will stiffen up, making it hard to stuff. I prepare the casing prior to mixing the meat. I add the cure to the liquid, mix well, and stuff as soon as I can.

When you are using a small horn it is best to use a sausage stuffer, which will better extrude the sausage through a small opening.



Hey Hab and  Kiwigeoffnz, I was planning on making sausage and snack sticks in the next week or so since old man winter has moved out East and spring like weather is here :)
In the past I normally add about 100 ml of water/liquid to 1 kg of meat and mix it in with my spices and salt/cure. Only once was it near impossible to stuff the casings for snack sticks. Removed all the meat and added a little more liquid, stuffed real smooth and easy afterwards. Hung to dry for 2-3 hours and smoked.
As Kiwigeoffnz said it can take a long time to heat up the Bradley, after smoking I remove the snack sticks and put in the oven and heat/cook them up in there. I find it easier, and takes less time than struggling to heat/cook in the Bradley. I also use a sausage stuffer for sausage and snack sticks. For sausage I've started cold/warm smoking for 2-3 hours and then poach them in hot water between 70-80°c (160° - 175°F) till I reach an internal temperature of 65-68°C (150-155°F). Then cold water bath and hang to bloom. 

Habanero Smoker

I guess we are both being hit by the same bug. I thawed out an eight pound butt, and had plans of making sausage either tomorrow or Thursday. Today I just got lazy, seasoned it up and threw it in the Bradley for some pulled pork. :-[ :)

Edward176; I noted some of your suggestions. I may increase my liquid, right now I'm using 4 oz.  of water for 5 pounds of sausage mix.



LOL, I know how you're feeling. Its been a long winter and I can't wait to get back into smoking. Wife gave me a list of "wants" for Easter, so its smoking cheese tomorrow, brining 2 pork loins and ham (Easter Breakfast) Friday, and regular smoked Kielbasa and white kielbasa. A pork butt sounds easier....

Habanero Smoker

All of it sounds good.  :)



Well spring is here, more things smoking.  I solved the weather problem with my smoker, being of a  engineering background i plumbed my bradley with a Gas Chimney Flue and piped it through the wall (obeying all clearances rules) and put a stack up with wind directional chimney witch took a few days to engineer, ( only a drawing, no measurements) WOW, this works, little to no smoke in area where smoker is, but now cozy and dry in all weathers.  Ran another batch of sticks ,everything going great.   No downdraft problems, Pity i cant get pics to load to show U.


All sounds fantastic there Kiwigeoffnz. Yes spring has sprung and I'm brining pork loins and ham right now. Sausages later next week and hot smoked salmon tomorrow, and cold smoked salmon Wednesday. Wife says I'm going to keep smoking till she's convinced I've gotten it right, LOL looks like a life long processes.

Habanero Smoker

Many are using Imgur to host their photos for posting on this board. I'm giving some thought of finally doing that.

Let us know how the sticks turn out. Soon I'm going to be dusting off my sausage making equipment.



Well finely got the big stimulus check so might break out and buy a  good sausage stuffer, cheaper making them than buying them.  Sticks turned out great, Threw 18  x 8oz cheese slabs i n smoker today, 2 hour smoke with Amazin tube, Looking good, Put ice above and below, (double tray in top to stop drips onto cheese) temp kept in low 50's.No probs ;D


a lot depends on the heat and moisture content of the sticks, I used a probe inserted in the middle stick in center of the hanging sticks to give me the temp reading for completed cook. Don't keep on opening smoker to check, it takes time to recoupe the heat you loose.This way you go by the recommended internal temp for your required doneness of the stick. there are several answers on the forum for different sticks, find one to satisfy your taste, i know it takes a few times to get to your satisfactory taste.  trust your taste.