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Paducah BBQ Fest Shopping List

Started by KyNola, September 11, 2010, 12:50:02 PM

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2 derelict friends from IL and their beautiful wives coming in for the BBQ Fest.  Begins 9/22 and goes through the weekend. 60 tons of pig will find some hickory smoke.  Had to go shopping today for my friends.

1 case of pork bellies approximately 100 pounds-check
80 pounds of hickory pellets-check
1 case Abita Amber beer-check

There will be some serious horse trading going on.

If you're close you should come for this BBQ fest. 50 teams competing and the neat part is it's all for charities.  Each team is cooking for the charity of their choice and all of the proceeds go there.  The competition is fierce and the food is incredible.

Here's the website for more details!  http://www.bbqontheriver.org/index2.htm


Quote1 case Abita Amber beer-check

So what do you drink in the afternoon ::) ::)
"It ain't worth missing someone from your past- there is a reason they didn't make it to your future."

"Life is tough, it is even tougher when you are stupid"

Don't curse the storm, learn to dance in the rain.


Quote from: GusRobin on September 11, 2010, 01:00:22 PM
Quote1 case Abita Amber beer-check

So what do you drink in the afternoon ::) ::)


Larry, I'm calling in the order of Liquid Orange Gold on Monday..

Smokin Soon

Just 1 case of beer! What a bunch of lightweights!  ;D


This reminds me that I have missed the BBQ fest they have here. You never hear about it advertised. Oh well next year I guess.  :(
I like to walk threw life on the path of least resistance. But sometimes the path needs a good kick in the ass.

One Big Easy, plus one in a box.



The Abita is 'To Go'...   I'll see if I can photo-document what really is consumed...   :o

Look for a new post with 'blow by blow' action comments.  (whenever I stumble back to the room and upload pics)
This will be a fun one!


I think Larry had a typo.  Probably at least 10 cases of beer  ;D
-- Arnie

Where there's smoke, there's food.


Yeah, the case of Abita is a "traveller".

Guys, this thing is so much more than a BBQ Comp.  Numerous other organizations selling everything from homemade sweet rolls to Cajun Boiled Corn on the Cob.  Great bands play for free all weekend.  Beer and Wine Tent, unfortunately not free >:( :D

STC and friends scored a GREAT place to stay right across the street from the whole thing so they can escape when they want/need to and believe me eventually they will because some 30-50,000 people are expected to attend. :P :P :P

Come one come all.  We're partying all weekend with STC and Hal! :o :o

CRG, "pack up the babies and grab the old ladies 'cause everyone knows......".  Load up the truck and come on.


50,000?    Where will we park, Metropolis??   

We'll have cheap beer & drinks (and real bathrooms) in the hotel suite..   ;)

MrsSTC has to herd children that morning, then we'll get on the road around lunch time.


So as not to bore folks with parking details and all, I'll PM you with some thoughts on that.


Hey New Orleans, Ky

Are you competing or just having fun??
WeQ4u - BBQ Team

(2) - Stainless Steel 4 Rack's with Dual probe PID
1- Digital, 6 Rack
(2) Bradley Cold Smoke Attachment
(2) Backwoods Smokers
(1) Chicken Little


With you 3 (KyNola, STC, & Hal) running around together ....

Make sure Wifies have $$$$$ to bail you guys out of jail!

I just know you guys are gonna have a blast!


CRG, thanks for the compliment but I'm too old to get in enough trouble to get locked up! :D

Southern, just going to hang out and have fun.  One of the teams had asked me earlier if I wanted to join them but haven't heard back from them since.  I personally know 3-4 of the local teams.  Hopefully I'll be able to get STC and Hal behind the scenes but those guys on those teams are really busy once the crowds start rolling in.  60 tons of meat and every team will run out before the thing is concluded.  You should come down,  You're only about 4-5 hours away.  I'll make STC buy you a beer!


We might need that big trailer of his to haul stuff around!


I'm looking forward to this!  Heck, I've never been in the (new) McCracken County Jail!
No Swine Left Behind KCBS BBQ Team
Peoria Custom Cookers "Meat Monster"
Lang Clone - 'Blue October'
Original Bradley Smoker
MAK 1 Star General
Traeger Lil' Tex
Backwoods Chubby