• Welcome to BRADLEY SMOKER | "Taste the Great Outdoors".

A New Englander

Started by Jarck, October 16, 2010, 08:33:23 AM

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Hi guys and ladies. I've been smoking for 15 years but this is my first Bradley of electric smoker.I've used it a couple of times and have some things to get used to but like any smoking,you can't screw it up. I had to by this unit because I moved from cow country in Rhode Island to Connecticut in a condo with a large balcony.I'am not disapointed.Looks like a great group.


Welcome to the forum. You will absolutely love the Bradley. The only draw back is you can not cook with higher temps, so for bird skin and lean meats like beef steaks you will also need a grill.
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

CLICK HERE for Recipe Site:  http://www.susanminor.org/

smoker pete

Click the Smokin Pig to visit Smokin' Pete's BBQ Bl


Hi Jarck and welcome to the forum.  I'm also in CT and the smoker works well here!
-- Arnie

Where there's smoke, there's food.


Welcome to the group, you are going to love it here.
Original Bradley Smoker
Cold Smoker Attachment
Teal Termapen


Leave now, right now, and don't come back!!!

Ok I warned you and my conscience is clear. So when you get addicted like the rest of us I won't feel guilty.
This is a great place to ask any question regarding smoking with the bradley, smoking without the Bradley, making jerky,-- actually you probably can ask any question and someone will either have the correct answer or make up one that sounds good. ;D ;D

"It ain't worth missing someone from your past- there is a reason they didn't make it to your future."

"Life is tough, it is even tougher when you are stupid"

Don't curse the storm, learn to dance in the rain.



Welcome to the forum Jarck!
Rodney Dangerfield got his material from watching me.
Learn to hunt deer www.lulu.com/mediabyKevinG


Congratulations on your purchase and welcome to the forum...Enjoy!


Remember we like pic's!!
WeQ4u - BBQ Team

(2) - Stainless Steel 4 Rack's with Dual probe PID
1- Digital, 6 Rack
(2) Bradley Cold Smoke Attachment
(2) Backwoods Smokers
(1) Chicken Little


welcome to the forum and don't be afraid to ask questions.


Welcome to the forum!

Enjoy your new smoker. ;D


W E L C O M E  to the Forum Jarck!
Click on the Ribs for Our Time tested and Proven Recipes!

Original Bradley Smoker with Dual probe PID
2 x Bradley Propane Smokers
MAK 2 Star General
BBQ Evangelist!