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Woah Baby!! ... I Cut the Cheese

Started by smoker pete, November 16, 2010, 07:46:53 AM

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smoker pete

No, not this Cheese  ;D ;D

Smoked my first cheese on October 9th and have been patiently storing said cheese in the back of the fridge for about 5 weeks now.  Couldn't stand it any more  :P  Broke out some Sharp Cheddar, Monterey Jack, and Yancy's Fancy Horseradish Cheddar yesterday and WOWZA is it ever good!

Applied 2 hours of Apple

Here's the batch I'm starting to work on.  Going to do my best to save most of it for the Holidays but me thinks that it won't last that long.  I should probably do another batch while I work on this pile  ;D  Can't wait to try the Gouda cause it's my absolute favorite.  Saving it for last.  Have you seen the obscene $$$ of Smoked Gouda at the store?  Or any smoked cheese.

Like I said ... Woah Baby!!
Click the Smokin Pig to visit Smokin' Pete's BBQ Bl


Nice - Around our house, once the package gets opened, you better get some quick!
Click on the Ribs for Our Time tested and Proven Recipes!

Original Bradley Smoker with Dual probe PID
2 x Bradley Propane Smokers
MAK 2 Star General
BBQ Evangelist!



Quote from: KyNola on November 16, 2010, 07:48:43 AM
The smoked Gouda is the best!

I'll second that!

Just in case you got my name.  ;D


Pete, you having FUN yet!

I see the grin ;D all the way from Cali!

I think it's time for KyNola to do his Famous Call.


Nice cheese stash!!!

As for that first picture...
I can honestly believe that someone designed that shirt...
And that someone printed that shirt...
And that someone marketed and sold that shirt...

I just can't believe that someone bought that shirt.

No Swine Left Behind KCBS BBQ Team
Peoria Custom Cookers "Meat Monster"
Lang Clone - 'Blue October'
Original Bradley Smoker
MAK 1 Star General
Traeger Lil' Tex
Backwoods Chubby


Glad it came out good Pete.  I did a batch on 1 Nov. and I'm waiting ... waiting ...

I like apple on cheese too.  Haven't done any Gouda yet but will do so soon.  Currently raining.
-- Arnie

Where there's smoke, there's food.

Ka Honu

smoker pete

Quote from: classicrockgriller on November 16, 2010, 08:08:07 AM
Pete, you having FUN yet!

I see the grin ;D all the way from Cali!

YES I am having FUN CRG  ;D  Life is good!  I'm retired 2½ years now.  SWMBO loves anything and everything that I cook/smoke.  Got 5 wonderful Grandchildren, travel at our leisure, play with designing web pages ... I could go on.  Picking and choosing what I want to smoke thanks to all the great Members on this forum.  Next Spring, Summer, and Fall we're looking to take our 5th wheel across this Great Nation of ours and up into North East Canada.  This year we spent 4½ months in Alaska ... Life IS good  ;D ;D

Quote from: ArnieM on November 16, 2010, 08:17:52 AM
Glad it came out good Pete.  I did a batch on 1 Nov. and I'm waiting ... waiting ...

That's been the worst part Arnie.  The waiting ...  But it's been worth the wait.  As soon as I finish what I've opened I'm going to break out the Gouda.

Quote from: Ka Honu on November 16, 2010, 08:44:28 AM
Quote from: hal4uk on November 16, 2010, 08:15:07 AMAs for that first picture...

Looks like another Walmart shopper!

You got me Ka Honu  :-[  I was trying to be kind and cropped the WallyMart reference from the original which was emailed to me as part of a photo gallery.  Trust me, you don't want to see the other photos !!

Click the Smokin Pig to visit Smokin' Pete's BBQ Bl


CRG, I think you're right and it is oh so true with Pete.

Reel 'em in boys, we've hooked another one!!

Congrats on your retirement life too Pete.  I'm hoping mine is as good as yours sounds come 4/1/11.


Quote from: FLBentRider on November 16, 2010, 07:48:14 AM
Nice - Around our house, once the package gets opened, you better get some quick!

Yup, my wife opened 2 on Sunday.    Son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren came for the game.   The decended on the cheese like a flock of locus.    Good thing I tasted it before they came over.   It didn't last long after they arrived.


Quote from: hal4uk on November 16, 2010, 08:15:07 AM
Nice cheese stash!!!

As for that first picture...
I can honestly believe that someone designed that shirt...
And that someone printed that shirt...
And that someone marketed and sold that shirt...

I just can't believe that someone bought that shirt.

Right.   Where can I get one ;)


I have about a half dozen blocks left from Sept 09. Cracked on open for some guests last weekend. They could not stop talking about it. I would melt in your mouth

smoker pete

Quote from: sherlock on November 22, 2010, 12:38:42 PM
I have about a half dozen blocks left from Sept 09. Cracked on open for some guests last weekend. They could not stop talking about it. I would melt in your mouth

Know what you mean Sherlock!!  Trying not to attack my stash too much before Thanksgiving cause I'm helping to feed 20+ people and smoked cheese and crackers are part of the appetizers.  I can see now that I'm going to have to smoke cheese at regular intervals in order to always have some available  ;D ;D 
Click the Smokin Pig to visit Smokin' Pete's BBQ Bl


I just opened some up that I did a year ago. It was just in a zip bag in the bottom of the fridge. Was perfect. Mmmm good.