Curing chamber, Coppa, Salami - Wrap-up post

Started by ExpatCanadian, December 16, 2010, 10:34:41 AM

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Hey everyone...  and (almost) merry Christmas....  been a bit lax lately with posting, been a busy run up to my Christmas holidays, which officially start on Monday, when my wife and I fly home to Canada for a couple weeks.  So, very little time recently spent on the forum, sadly.

However, I believe in finishing what I start, so I thought I'd post a couple pics of the first fruits of my labours using my home-built curing chamber.

All I can say is...  the effort was completely worth it.  I am blown away by the initial results, and can't wait to get stuck in to even more projects.

Anyway, pictures...1000 words etc etc....

Just as a recap....  this is how the salami's started their lives....

...and this is what the little fellas look like now...

...wait... no... please don't...

...too late...  decapitation....

And now for the Coppa....  I weighed it, and it was sitting at around 33% weight loss, so decided it was time to try it...

Looks and tastes AMAZING....  but, could probably have done with a slightly fatter pig!  Also, although it tastes good, I think maybe it needed another 5% moisture loss, as it's still pretty moist...  not quite "prosciutto" texture.  The remainder is back in the chamber for a little longer...

Anyway, very happy with my initial efforts if I do say so myself, enjoy!


Somedays you're the pigeon, Somedays you're the statue.


Great job those look amazing, I cant wait till I finish my curing cave

Habanero Smoker




This has been very inspiring.  Thanks for the finish pics.
I like animals, they taste good!

Visit the Recipe site here


Momma is making noise like she wants to build a shop/studio/urban barn out back.  Maybe I can finally have enough room that I can have me a controlled humidity/temperature box for curing.  That looks like mighty fine eats.  Mighty fine eats!!

"A man that won't sleep with his meat don't care about his barbecue" Caneyscud

"If we're not supposed to eat animals, how come they're made out of meat?"


Great work!!!

It looks amazing.  I will hold mine until they hit 40% loss.  Thanks for all the pictures.


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That looks amazing.

Also, thanks for posting all of this about your chamber. It's pretty high on my list to get a dry cure chamber going and your lessons learned are helpful.