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Started by classicrockgriller, January 31, 2011, 04:41:05 PM

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We were in the Chat Room last nite and I ask if anyone had seen Arnie on

line. Everyone said NO and someone checked and his last log on was the 25th.

So I called him last nite and was told he was asleep. I get a phone call back from

his number today and his wife told me to call him at a different number. She said

he was in the Hospital and for me to call him. I got to talk to him and he said last

Tuesday he moved the car from the garage and the drive is on an incline. When he

stepped out of the car the driveway was icy and his footing gave way. Down he went

and an amblance took him to the Hospital and he has been there every since. Said he

has nothing broken, just bruised up pretty bad. He thinks he will get out in a cple days.


Best wishes Arnie for a speedy recovery!   ;D


Dang, that's quite a fall..    Did he sound Ok?


He did. Being in a hospital for a week isn't a vacation and he sounded

a little down about that. Says he misses his computer. Gonna give Him

a call back tomorrow and check up on Him.



Wow -- that's a major bummer!  A week ?  Must have been quite a spill.

I like animals, they taste good!

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Frigin Ice, Get well soon Arnie :)


Get better Arnie, a hospital is no place to get well!  I know this for a fact (been in there way to many times in the pass 4 years
Live, ride, eat well and thank God!


Thanks for the update Sonny. Wishing Arnie well and a speedy recovery.


Get well soon Arnie!
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Original Bradley Smoker with Dual probe PID
2 x Bradley Propane Smokers
MAK 2 Star General
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was thinking this myself recently

all the best Arnie!
Bradley Original Smoker BT1S1
Auber PID WS-1200CPH
Traeger Lil' Tex BBQ070
Char-Broil Big Easy Infrared Fryer 10101480
Napoleon Ultra Chef UP405RB


Dang Sorry to hear that. Get Well Soon my friend!!
Bacon is the Crack Cocaine of the Food World.

Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!


Dang Arnie, Hurry up and get the heck out of there!

WeQ4u - BBQ Team

(2) - Stainless Steel 4 Rack's with Dual probe PID
1- Digital, 6 Rack
(2) Bradley Cold Smoke Attachment
(2) Backwoods Smokers
(1) Chicken Little

Jim O

Hurry and get well,Arnie!

Your Bradley awaits you !

Jim O
- smoking
- motorcycling
- how do I find time to sleep !


Sorry to hear about that Arnie.  Hope you're up and around again soon!