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6 rack digital vs original smoker?

Started by IanB, February 01, 2011, 09:27:22 AM

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I bought a 6 rack Digital last summer and have been very dissapointed with the results, it went wrong totally last week so my supplier kindly loaned me his (non digital) and the results were far far superior, i've never had such good smoked bacon and gammons and in less than half the time of the digital!


Ian - Sorry about your experience with the six rack. I have an OBS (4 rack original) and it has worked out well. I can't speak to the 6 rack much, other than to say that I believe they have the same heating element and obviously are taller. The extra height and volume will have some effect along the way. As far as how the digital controls the heat vs. the simplistic slider on the OBS, well sometimes simple is a little more fool proof. I do use a PID to control my heat however, so does that almost make it akin to the digital? Not sure.

Others will be along with more experience than me, so stand by.


I doubt if I have more experience but I do have a 6 rack.   Bought it to replace my OBS 'cause I wanted more height for hanging sausage.    Anyway I was a little disappointed with the digital.    To much temp fluctuation IMO.   I solved that with a PID and now it works fine for me and what I do with it.


I have a six rack and it has served me good so far. I have had it since last spring or abouts, so my cooking experience is limited. If I had to guess I would say I have done about 7 cooks in it.

I would read recipes on the site with time guidelines and I can never meet them. It always takes me longer......but that does not bother me. If I am cooking a seven hour recipe I have to allocate a chunk of time for the cook anyway so what is a couple of more hours.......less work around the house is what it is to me. Cause we all know how back breaking smoking food can be.  ;)

I have done ribs, pork butts, and made 24 pounds of bacon in one cook. All turned out top notch, not just my opinion as I have feed plenty and they keep asking for more.

One day in the fall I checked my digital temp. readout on the SG against my Maverick and the readings were bang on (for about an hour ride)....till I put meat in the smoker. Then there was fluctuations between the two. I use my Maverick thermometer read outs after inserting meat into the cabinet.

I am happy with my six rack and I am also happy that I made the decision to get the extra two racks. When you say "it went wrong totally" if you elaborate maybe we can help.



The bisquettes would not advance properly, it started sticking so I replaced the time switch inside (sent by bradley) then they were sticking and if i helped it it would just keep spitting them out until empty and thengive an error message.
It has always taken around 2 days to get a slight colour when cold smoking, but with the loan machine (just the smoke generator) on my own cabinet it done a wonderfull job in around 6 to 8 hours and were lovely coloured, the best by far!

Cheers Ian



My new 6 rack was also flashing an E, and continualy advancing pucks.  Upon further investigation I found that the servo arm was not fully hitting the micro switch.  I loosened the screws on the servo motor and pushed towards the micro until it had made enough contact to activate the micro switch.  If you are not confident or qualified working around exposed 120 volt wire leads when testing, do not do this.


I am new and just bought a 4 rack digital and haveny used it yet I live in Iowa and is cold. But I searched and could not find a few things, for instance what does PID stand for and how can O hook up a thermometer to know the temp of my smoker,, thanks


Quote from: tjt52 on February 09, 2011, 01:50:48 PM
I am new and just bought a 4 rack digital and haveny used it yet I live in Iowa and is cold. But I searched and could not find a few things, for instance what does PID stand for and how can O hook up a thermometer to know the temp of my smoker,, thanks

Google is your friend:  PID Controller