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Another Smoker down!!!...

Started by Theganch, February 05, 2011, 04:02:39 PM

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Hi there!!..,

After about 5 jerky uses, I whent out to check on my 6th... I noticed that the temperature was low so as I went to increase the slider I noticed that the light was out.... To make a long story short, I checked all the wires and they all had power, so I presumed the element went. I called the 1-800 number and had 2 elements shipped, they arrived 2 days later... (thank you for that). I went to replace the first one... No luck.... Second one, still mo luck. Iv been trying to read up on this issue around this web site and others and still can't find what the issue could be!!!... Anyone have a hypothesis???



there are 2 fuses. One is in the Smoke generator. If the generator lights up then that one should be ok. If not, check and replace if needed. The other fuse would require you to take the back off the cabinet.

Before you do that make sure the plugs are seated correctly. Have you checked to make sure the power outlet that you are plugged into works? Did you trip the circuit?
"It ain't worth missing someone from your past- there is a reason they didn't make it to your future."

"Life is tough, it is even tougher when you are stupid"

Don't curse the storm, learn to dance in the rain.


Have you try direct plug from back of cabinet to a plug?

Don't do this long. Just long enough to see if element starts to get red.

2 elements? is your Bradley dualled out?


Ok thank you, I will pull the back off and check for the other fuse.... Would have never thought of checking behind the panel.... No, I never dulled up the elements... Just thought if the elements go after less than 10 uses I better buy another one for a back up so I don't have to wait fir one to come in the mail....


Bummer.... Nothing. I took the panel off the back, no fuse. All that was there was the back of the temp. Sensor and a big diode of some sort. I tried plugging the plug directly to the back, but no heat on the element.... I do though have 120v across the element...Hummm.... I do have to say I am disappointed what you get for $350.00. And the time you get to use it....


Let the people here help you out, don't get too disappointed,  I have had my OBS for over three years, still on original element and I use this thing very often, from 95+ degrees in the summer to -19 degrees in the winter.  Has never failed me yet.

I am sure someone with more tech knowledge will be on to help.
Retirement, Everyday's a Holiday, and every night's a Saturday night!!


Check the ceramic insulator that the element sits in. Is the element making contact.


Check all your connections while you have the back off.

Un-plug them and re-plug them.

Look for a loose or off wire/plug.

I have two Bradley's and a smoke gen and they just don't quit.

Habanero Smoker

Hi Theganch,

Sorry to have to welcome you to the forum under such circumstances. If the above advise does not get you on your way, here are some more ideas.

If the indicator light on the faceplate is off, then your problem may not be the element. If the element goes and that is the only problem the indicator light will still work.

The in-line fuse that Gus is referring to can not be visually checked to see if it is blown, you will need an electrical meter to test it or if you don't have a meter you can just replace it once all other possibilities have been eliminated. The in-line fuse is connected to the temperature sensor, and is the red line with a small ceramic bulb attached to it. After taking the back off, you should always make sure that the wires are still connected to the plug, before putting the back panel into place.

There can be other issues that can be related to having no indicator light and no heat in the OBS. Such as the high temperature switch tripped and failed to reset. There have been a few faulty ones that have tripped at low temperatures and failed to reset. Also a fried temperature circuit board. This can happen when moisture seeps into the area where the slider switch is located. This happens more often when you have a crack in your faceplate that is just above the slider switch.

Here is a link to many tips:
Bradley FAQ's

I hope you are up and running soon.



Quote from: Theganch on February 05, 2011, 07:16:35 PM
Bummer.... Nothing. I took the panel off the back, no fuse. All that was there was the back of the temp. Sensor and a big diode of some sort. I

That big diode of some sort is the 10A in-line fuse.  Do a continuity check from 'upstream' of the in-line fuse to the downstream side of the temp sensor.  If it shows open then either the fuse is blown or the high temp sensor is bad.


Hey everyone!!,

Thanks for the time youv taken to reply. I ordered all parts as I could not afford anymore down time... It looks like it was the power switch. I replaced it this morning and tried to smoke the meat I had to put on hold while I figured out the problem(s)....to my frustrations, my meat spoiled all 30 lbs of it... Bummer. I wish I would have explained thevproblem to the girl when I first ordered the replacement elements, that would have saved me a weeks time... O well, I know for next time!.

Thanks again


Sorry Chris, Sometimes $h!t happens and it sucks! Better luck next time!