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Started by CLAREGO, August 25, 2005, 05:24:24 PM

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i just got to make comments here. but its all true i want to thank everyone who has help me with my smoking experiances. excpecially oldman  mr.duckKiller(aka mallardwacker) thanks guys you guys are precise on everything. the first think i tried with the BS  was a spatchcock chicken i was doubting at first the smoker the skin wz rubbery. the problem i had with that was i kept the vent closed and the temp waz way to hight. but then i tried ribs the first time i burnt the heck out of them. everyone that needs advice i would highly recomend this site. The first time i cook a pork but i didnt have time to wait till the advice people told me so i took it out a 170 degress the darn thing wouldnt pull. I read all those little cards you get with the pucks you purchase  with the pucks the pulled pork says take it out at the minium of 160. well i did my thing as as a newbie.i ask around did research and wallahh. the second time i tried it i had somewhere in the ball field of 9 pounds of butt and we ate it and there wz nothing left. The ribs issue wz differnt that i never went over 210 degress that wz long and slow i acutally got a spray bottle half and half of apple juice and apple cider vinger. i sprayed it half way i say when it hit about 150 degreed and then i sprayed the dickens out of it when it 185 FTC  <font size="4"></font id="size4"> soacked it acutallly. then FTC(FOIL..TOWEL..COOLER)it 2 hours l*ter i flarde up the gas grill and put some cattermans orginal bbq sauce on it. that was great....

 the morel of my story is bbq/smoking takes a little practice(dont get me wrong if i did my reasearch some of this never would happened)but this website helps everyone out. I JUST thanks to everyone thats gives time to newbie questions because i wz there once and so has everyone else..


I'd like to echo Clarego's comments.  I've been lurking on this site for some time now and in honesty I probably would not have bought my Bradley if I had never seen this forum.

This place is kinda like a 24/7 help line that comes free with the product.  In my few days here I've asked a couple of questions that I know have probably been asked 1000 times before but within minute of posting I had multiple answers all giving great advice and insight.

I've been part of a number of different Internet forums over the years but this one stands out as one of the very best.  I've never seen a group of folks so willing to help out others.  With all of th crazy stuff going on in the world today, with all the fighting, all the greediness and selfishness a virtual community like this really does reaffirm a persons faith in humanity.

Thank you all for what you give in these forums, it truely is appreciated.


<b>Carpe Diem</b> does <b>NOT</b> mean catch of the day


You've also contributed your thoughts and experiences here, too, Clarence, which is what the Forum is all about.

BTW, congrats on your new star and status!!! [:D][8D][:D]

Newton MA
Newton MA


Well Thank you for your kind words. I thank on my behalf and on the behalf of every member who has taken the time to reply to a question. There is no doubt in my mind that this community is heavily ghosted.

With the exception of a couple of *cough* pecker-heads every member here who has ever posting has brought something to this table.

If there is one fustration I have here it is with the various reasons that people Ghost. I know that everyone has something to bring to the table. I personlly don't care if a person has a bradley unit or is smokin' using a card board box.

With that said I will add to this to all that Ghost here...Come-on-down. The water is just fine.


Click On The Portal To Be Transported To Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes~~!!! 


<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">
With that said I will add to this to all that Ghost here...Come-on-down. The water is just fine.
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">


<i><font color="green"><b>Mike </i></font id="green"></b>

<i><font color="black">"Men like to barbecue, men will cook if danger is involved".</i></font id="black">
 -John Wayne


"Men like to barbecue, men will cook if danger is involved"


The "Miester" Olds could of not said it better.  We have a lot of fun around here, I hope we can keep it that way.  I truely have never been around a board like this one.  Way to many great folks.

Eveyone have a wondeful weekend and when you are on the roads, look out for the stupid ones.


Perryville, Arkansas

If a man says he knows anything at all, he knows nothing what he aught to know.  But...


Perryville, Arkansas

It's not how much you smoke but how many friends you make while doing it...

Chez Bubba

As long as I've got the keys to the smokehouse, we will remain a community that enjoys talking smoking and have members that can put other issues aside in order to do that. I'm sure that a lot of us could probably come to fisticuffs over some issue or another, but this is a safe-haven for smoke-talk.

I applaud you all![:)][:)][8D]


Ya think next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non?" they would mind?
Ya think if next time I check into a hotel & they ask "Smoking or Non", they would mind?



You said it.  I have to say it's one of the most well mannered and most helping/informitive boards around.  We may not be perferct but, like you said it is a safe haven.  Thanks...


Perryville, Arkansas

If a man says he knows anything at all, he knows nothing what he aught to know.  But...


Perryville, Arkansas

It's not how much you smoke but how many friends you make while doing it...