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Whats for lunch today?

Started by OU812, March 18, 2011, 10:55:18 AM

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Leftovers, again.   ::)

The money shot, theres pulled pork in them there beans.  ::)

All gone.

Nap time.  8)


Somedays you're the pigeon, Somedays you're the statue.



yeah, well i'm catholic, it's lent and friday, that means no meat for me today, and probably a green lettuce salad for lunch......


DBS 6 Rack
Auber PID 1202 Dual Probe
Yoder Cheyenne 16


You poor #asta#d having to eat left overs like that.  ;D
I am sooooo hungry right now, thanks for that.

Original Bradley Smoker
Cold Smoker Attachment
Teal Termapen


Quote from: RossP on March 18, 2011, 12:54:42 PM
You poor #asta#d having to eat left overs like that.  ;D
I am sooooo hungry right now, thanks for that.


I wish I could afford to eat that fast food crap every day.  :D


Leftovers, again. :D

Some homemade smoked chicken noodle soup today.  ;D

Seasoned  the soup with GP, sense I injected and rubbed the chicken with GP before I Smokfried it.  ::)


Just some lasagna and garlic bread today.  ;D


Now those are some good looking lunches / leftovers.
I went to Dickey's BBQ pit on 29 and had the pulled pork sandwich.
I'll not be going back.
"A Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever."John Adams
The Big Easy
ProQ Smoke Gererator
Little Chief Front Loader
Chair-Broil Electric Smoker
Thermos Gas Grill
BBQ Evangelist


Quote from: MidKnightRider on March 30, 2011, 11:43:43 AM
Now those are some good looking lunches / leftovers.
I went to Dickey's BBQ pit on 29 and had the pulled pork sandwich.
I'll not be going back.

That bites.

Had me a pork sammie for lunch wile watching the race the other day.


Curt, you are down right cruel to people! :D


Quote from: KyNola on March 30, 2011, 01:12:27 PM
Curt, you are down right cruel to people! :D

I didnt mean it to be cruel, really.  ;D

Oh by the way thats Starnes you see drippin outta that there sammie.  :D

Thanks Larry.


Some leftover Chicken Cordon Blue wrapped in bacon today.  ;D

Good stuff.


Y'all take some real good pictures of food, I think this should be called the torture page...LOL... Curt that is one good looking pulled pork sandwich...

Digital Bradley Smoker with Dual probe PID
The Big Easy with Srg grill
MAK 2 Star General
Char Broil gas grill


Thanks Gary.

Good food and good drink makes for a great time.  ;D