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cleaning and dual temp probes

Started by cobra6223, April 26, 2011, 09:37:20 AM

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Well once again need some expert advice so here I am  ;D, I know along time ago I seen something on the site about cleaning the Bradley and what to use , but don't seem to find it now , and secondly I see a lot of people mention the Maverick for a dual probe thermometer , are they the best bang for the buck or are there others to consider . Thanks in advance for your help and advice



This is only my personal opinion but I think the Maverick are top notch.If you can get one on sale even better. Sitting in your living room and being able to monitor the temp is a very nice option but than again i'm just lazy by nature  ;D


Only thing you need to do is take a wadded up news papper or wadded up chunk of tin foil and brush off the loose bits if they start to collect. Other wise let that baby get good and black, called seasoned.

As far as the racks I soak in HOT soapy water and the crap brushes right off, the V tray I use oven cleaner and only clean the very bottom tray and water pan when they look like crap.

The Maverick ET-7 is on sale at Amazon right now for $36.95, damn good price if you ask me.

Get the Maverick, you wont be disappointed.

I've got some of those cheaper ones and like they say, "you get what you pay for"