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The Big Easy in Canada

Started by mr5150, August 31, 2011, 01:46:20 PM

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Hello All,

Do any of the Canadians know where to find a Big East SRG in Canada?

Bradley Digital 4 Rack Smoker
Napoleon Prestige II Gourmet Grill


Don't know if they ship your way, but I recently got mine thru Charbroil.com.

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Yes they do but shipping is more than the TBE!! $275.00 to ship to Canada and The Big Easy is only $199  :(
Bradley Digital 4 Rack Smoker
Napoleon Prestige II Gourmet Grill



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cathouse willy

I found mine in the bbq clearout at London drugs last week for $130.Right place at the right time I guess.Check out the stores that carry bbq's for the summer only and dump them at this time of year. You never know

Mr Walleye

Canadiantire was selling them under the name "Thermos Infrared Turkey Fryer". I don't think they have them anymore but you might try searching that name though.


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oakville smoker

I bought mine at Crappy Tire for $89
Model called oiless turkey fryer
This thing rocks
I don't use mine enough, I need to use it more
Turkey is awesome in there and so are bigger chickens

Good luck finding one
You might try a BBQs Galore or Ontario BBQ
All I wanted to do was slow smoke some ribs.  Another addiction created thanks to the Bradley that requires regular servicing...  But what an addiction to have.  Even better to share here with some of the best people on the planet.

Would you like smoke with that sir ?


Go to Canadian Tire I picked one up for $44 they had alot at the one store I was at. Went to another one in town wich is smaller and I did not see any so it may be hit or miss. Did a chicken in it yesterday and the breast came out great the thigh and leg were a little under done needed to cook a bit longer.


I found one at Canadian Tire regular $179 on for $45!!!

It looks just like the original Big Easy but has a Thermos label on it.

Bradley Digital 4 Rack Smoker
Napoleon Prestige II Gourmet Grill