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Thanks Jan!

Started by HookedOnMyBradley, October 11, 2011, 08:05:34 AM

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Let me start out by apologizing for not having pics with me to post as I write this.  I'm trying to get them off my sisters camera but it's proving to be a bit of a chore.  Pics to follow, I hope.  :)

Years ago I started a tradition for niece/nephew birthdays at my sisters place of bringing ribs for the family to eat for the birthday celebration meal.  My one sister has 6 kids and the other has 3 so I have been known to make quite a few racks of ribs in a year.

A little background about my 4 year old nephew.  He is an enormous fan of ribs and everytime I stop by whether it's for dinner or not he always asks if I've brought ribs and when I say yes his eyes sparkle and he rubs his belly in great anticipation.  With this weekend being Canadian Thanksgiving and all (my sisters and I are transplants from the Great White North), we decided to do some smoked turkey instead of ribs. 

On Saturday morning I mixed up some of Jan's rub and generously rubbed up three whole turkey breasts, wrapped em, and put em in the fridge for safe keeping.  After surviving two pub crawls constituting 15 hours of imbibition all day Saturday and into Sunday morning, I fired up my OBS with 4 hours of cherry wood and during the 7 hours of cooking that followed, proceeded to nap in an effort to recover from the debauchery of the previous day.  My sisters place is about 25min from my house so I tinfoiled up the succulent morsels and put them under a towel in my car.  That 30 minute car ride was one of the most torturous times I have ever spent.  Having to smell that turkey was utter torment!

Sorry for the story carrying on but it'll be worth it I swear! 

As I set the turkey on the counter at my sisters house, my nephew ran up and made his standard rib query.  When I told him that I had brought turkey this time, he responded with an "awwww" and a pretty sad face.  He was even reluctant to sit at the table for dinner.  With a little coaxing my sister was able to get him to sit down and even try some of the turkey and after one bite his eyes lit up and he said "Uncle Greg, did you make this?"  I responded simply with "Yes I did".  His next words which were "You could bring this with your ribs next time!" made everyone laugh out loud.

In short, everyone loved the turkey and I felt the need to let Jan know how wonderful her rub is.  Thanks also to this community for sharing your knowledge and experience which has helped me make some of the most delicious foods ever!



Great story and that young nephew is a keeper.

Great memories for you and for Him.


great story, and that is what thanks giving is about.



Jan is my wife and I let her know about your story.  She's very happy that you and your family like the Rub.