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newbie question

Started by Labsrit, January 01, 2012, 05:18:09 AM

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I am going to make my first batch of snack sticks today, I have looked over allot of the topics, and I think I am on track.

I used vension to pork with Hi mtn seasoning.  (from what I've read the cooking part of hi mtn instuctions are not close to the proven receipes on here.)

Let me know if this is close,

let the sticks warm up to room temp, while doing this pre-heat my bradley to 120.

add the sticks,  dry for hour,  bump the temp up to 130, add smoke for three hours,   then bump temp to 180 until I get 152 internal on the sticks?

Ice bath if not going to eat right away (won't have to worry about this)  and what is bloom?



Personally I never take my stixs past 175.  You run the risk of fat out over 175.  I dry at 130.  Add smoke at 140.  Bump to 150 for 2 hrs. 160 for 2 hours. 170 for 2 hrs then 175 until IT of 150-152.  Lately I have only been bringing the cabinet temp to 170 and find I like the texture a lot better.  Main thing is to not ramp the temps up too fast and avoid high cabinet temp to prevent fat out.

Enough ain't enough and too much is just about right.



I agree with the other guys and remember this "if Nepas says it it is so because he is the sausage king around here"  No slam just fact!