Well i'm gonna try this again

Started by evlmpire, January 21, 2012, 02:51:48 AM

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I excitedly posted this message named "Greetings from Whittier" and never got a responce, I got 44 views but never a welcome or anything. Now to be honest I did kinda feel like the kid picked last in a pick up game at the park but hell I never even got picked. But I'm a big boy and realize that I probably did something wrong. In retrospect, I did go back and check my earlier post (as I did for days wondering if I got a responce) and noticed that there was a lock by my post, so I'm guessing that I did something wrong. Any how here I go again........................ Well, I must have been good this year cause after wanting and waiting and researching for nearly 6months I finally got my Bradley Original Smoker! New Years Eve I broke it in with a full Brisket that turned out absolutely incredible and was the hit of the party. I got home with an empty plate at 2:30 New Years morning and immediately went to the kitchen and pulled out the Boston Butt from the fridge and applied the rub, 30 minutes later it was in the smoker and ready to go... Cut to New Years Day 9 hours later... What can I say, you've all been here before... Beyond words... This past Sunday it was Tri Tip time... All three were excellent, in my mind the order goes as follows... Brisket, Pulled Pork, Tri Tip... This is odd to me, I've been queing for years now and it's always the reverse. My Tri Tip is usually far superior to the pulled pork and the pulled pork to the brisket. I should also note that this the first time I've ever attempted to smoke. One thing that I've noticed and I don't think it's my imagination but the rubs that took me years of queing to pair the right rub with the right meats doesn't seem to taste the same. The rub that I use with the Tri Tip on the grill needs something when it's smoked, or at least that's what it seems like to me. It seems as though I'm gonna have to learn all over again (darn, no complaints here).... Btw, I've been using oak... Sorry, no pics...KMB
If ignorance is bliss then knock this smile off my face


W E L C O M E  to the Forum!

Try smoking your tri tip to a lower IT and finish on the grill.
Click on the Ribs for Our Time tested and Proven Recipes!

Original Bradley Smoker with Dual probe PID
2 x Bradley Propane Smokers
MAK 2 Star General
BBQ Evangelist!


Thanks FLB, Since my first post I smoked another tri tip that was much better, I tried a different combination with my spices but the one thing that I do notice is that the rubs seem to taste different then when I grill them as opposed to smoking them, I guess  I need to get used to the smoke flavor and what works with it. I currently have 2 15lb pork shoulders in my OBS. I put them in at 1a.m. pst and I was hoping they will be ready to take out by at least 6pm today but in reviewing older posts I see that I need to give at least 1.5-2 hours per pound and it hasn't been that long since I've been in school (well actually it has) and realize that probably wont happen... The good news is that I think I've given myself sufficient time since I don't need to have the finished product till 2:30pm Sunday... Worse case senerio... Finish it in the oven. All I have to say is I am happy with my OBS and thankful for this forum, I've already found many many things that I want to try, first being "smoking a fatty" and getting the plug-and-play PID temperature controller from Aubur Instruments... Happy to finally be part of the club...Thanks again
If ignorance is bliss then knock this smile off my face

Jim O

Welcome to the Forum.

Looks like you've "hit the ground runnin' " !

Jim O
- smoking
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- how do I find time to sleep !


If you are using commercial rubs, (and this applies to sauces too), check the ingredient list for "smoke flavor"

Often the artificial stuff conflicts with the real thing, giving your product an "off" taste.

Click on the Ribs for Our Time tested and Proven Recipes!

Original Bradley Smoker with Dual probe PID
2 x Bradley Propane Smokers
MAK 2 Star General
BBQ Evangelist!


Welcome aboard.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Shasta bob

Welcome to the bradley smoker forum
2 ea. Bradley - OBS
Auber PID
Bradley cold smoke adapter
Temp Test Intelligent Thermometer
Weber Gensis BBQ
Weber Baby Q
Smoke from thermoworks
Blackstone 4 burner


Welcome to the forum!  Sounds like you really hit the ground running.  Nice going.


Welcome to the forum...Enjoy!


Remember we like pic's!!
WeQ4u - BBQ Team

(2) - Stainless Steel 4 Rack's with Dual probe PID
1- Digital, 6 Rack
(2) Bradley Cold Smoke Attachment
(2) Backwoods Smokers
(1) Chicken Little


Welcome to the forum.  You'll enjoy trying all the recipes from the other readers...I sure have.  Post some pics when you can.


Hello and welcome to a really great forum, sure sounds like you are having a good time with your smoker...
Digital Bradley Smoker with Dual probe PID
The Big Easy with Srg grill
MAK 2 Star General
Char Broil gas grill


welcome to the forum. your lucky.... I can't find a tri-tip where I live so I do not know a good one from a bad one. looks like your getting the hang of things pretty well. one tip is to keep the top vent open. people seem to want to close it off thinking it will hold in more heat and smoke but it causes big problems with the smoke generator and will cause the smoke to condense and drip onto the food which is very bad.


Welcome to the forum evlmpire, Sorry you got no response on your first post, but if it was locked you wouldn't get any. I have to admit I have been lax on welcoming new members lately. I have been so tired from to bloody many hours at work, Great at pay day, sucks the rest of the time. I haven't even been reading all the posts either. I know things have been quiet on here threw the holidays for sure. And some of our more talkative members here have been somewhat absent too.
But you are in it now and looks like you are on a run. Ok it doesn't look cause as we say"no pics didn't happen" LOL. We do love our pics.  Good luck and any questions just ask.
I like to walk threw life on the path of least resistance. But sometimes the path needs a good kick in the ass.

One Big Easy, plus one in a box.


Yup welcome to a great forum, lots of help on here if you ever need it.

Like Quarlow said


Dear Picked Last

Welcome to the forum!!!

You are going to meet a great bunch of guys with lots of knowledge and all willing to help.