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Fresh Pork

Started by viper125, January 22, 2012, 06:44:06 AM

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Well since all all fresh pork lovers here thought I'd pass this along. Seems every one is always looking for lower prices and fresh pork. Well we bought a hog the other day. Now I know sounds like a lot of work or some people cant really do it but. If your a hunter you already know how to clean a deer or any thing for that matter. I always avoided hogs because I hate to scrape and boil the hair off them. Leave it to the old man next door. He's my buddy and a hillbilly. He does it like a deer. Skin and cut it up. Now you lose the hide but thats not a real deal killer is it? We went to the stock auction and the price was 61.00 a hundred or 61 cents a pound. Dont know what it sells for around you guys but thats stealing cheap here. Killed ,skinned and gutted less than an hour. Cut and ground what needed to be done in just over 3 hrs total. No more then the deer we killed. So just an idea if any one is interested. Check the stock auctions for prices.
A few pics from smokes....
Inside setup.


What was the net weight of the hog after butchering?  Bet it was still way below the price you pay at the store.  I remember as a lad helping Dad butchering a hog on Mom's dining room table.  She was a trooper for sure.  No way would I attempt bringing a hog hope and butchering it on our dining room table.  Wife don't have that much sense of humor  :o

Enough ain't enough and too much is just about right.


Well I use to clean and skin in a back room we had. My wife also helped. Not sure she could stomach it today. But she helps mix and stuff my sausages. I have cleaned many in the garage or back yard. Then cut into pieces I could handle and finish butchering in the kitchen. I always keep a piece of white rubber roofing its about 15 foot square. Every thing goes in 5 gallon buckets and the rubber prevents stuff on the floor. A little  hose job with a broom out side and all is clean for next time. The 5 gallon buckets go in trash. I have started dumping them out back lately for the wild life at the end of my property. They always keep it cleaned up! As always make sure all is cleaned with soap and water and a little Clorox and water. But be sure to hose rubber good as Clorox could have a negative effect.
Well worth the effort for fresh pork and the price is a big bonus.
A few pics from smokes....
Inside setup.

Smokin Sparky

  I used to work as a mobile butcher. (4 years)  When we butchered hogs we would usually skin them out.  I was told by the old guy that had trained me that scalding and scraping was a thing of the past.  The reason for leaving the skin on was due mainly for preservation.  Salt would be applied to the carcass but the skin prevented deep penetration.  With the invention of refridgeration and improvement of curing methods scalding and scraping is rarely done.  Now I have scalded and scraped maybe a dozen but these were going to be cooked in the ground and needed the skin for protection.  I would on the average butcher about 25 to 30 pigs a week. It was not uncommon when butchering for an older individual for me to explain why we skin and not scrape anymore. (Not to mention that it is alot faster)
Never be afraid to try something new.
Remember, amateurs built the ark.
Professionals built the Titanic.


Our mobile butcher skins them.


Quote from: Sailor on January 22, 2012, 08:01:49 AM
What was the net weight of the hog after butchering?  Bet it was still way below the price you pay at the store.  I remember as a lad helping Dad butchering a hog on Mom's dining room table.  She was a trooper for sure.  No way would I attempt bringing a hog hope and butchering it on our dining room table.  Wife don't have that much sense of humor  :o

Well we don't weigh any thing till preparing it. So not sure how much we got. I usually figure on 25-35% loss some times a little more. Each pig is different. But for this price if you loss 50% your still paying only 1.38 a lb. So your bound to come out a head. And no guessing where it came from or looked like before butchering. Many a trick to make bad meat look good,Like backing soda and water. I use to work at a meat packing plant and seen enough bad meat get made to look good I was almost a vegetarian. We were #1 in tri state area. Can you imagine what the worst places looked like.
A few pics from smokes....
Inside setup.