Cure and Septic tanks

Started by Keymaster, February 16, 2012, 04:32:54 AM

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I admit it, I have dumped several brines down my sink that have salt and cure in them. Does anyone think that this would kill the benificial bacterias in my Septic tank and should I add supplemental bacteria treatment. Sorry for such a crappy question :-X


Not sure about the salt, but it is probably not good for the tank. It never hurts to dump some treatment into the tanks.
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The title of your post attracted my attention. I was wondering if I had missed a curing technique I should try ;D.
There are so many other chemicals get dumped into the waste water such as dishwasher water and bath shampoos that the occasional bit of brine probably won't make a difference but no harm in encouraging the good bugs with a dose of treatment. Some say a dead cat also works well for that but that is not something I have tried.


I just did some quick research re: added salt loads to a septic system from a water softener, and it looks like the amount of brine you're dumping doesn't have a negative effect. You'd be putting less sodium in than a regenerating water softener. With the dilution factor, the additional ppm would be negligible.
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Thanks salmonsmoker, its really hard spending 5 bucks on ridx and then flushing it down the drain.

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I have a brother who's a civil engineer in sewage and water treatment, and if I remember correctly( jury's still out on that  ;)) he said if your septic tank is healthy you don't need anything like Ridx. Just a waste of money. The one thing I don't remember, is if the the stuff helps if your septic tank is feeling like crap. ::)
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I really like the cat idea. ;D
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Quote from: slowpoke on February 16, 2012, 01:50:42 PM
I really like the cat idea. ;D
To much work diggin up them concrete lids and I really dislike cleaning my grinder :D

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I know people who never had their tank pumped for over 80 years. But it's not recommended. THere is just me and the wife and I pump every 3 years on the advise of a friend who does this for a reason. Costs 150.00 to pump and a lot cheapier then digging. We also mix regular bread east  about 1/2 a small block and warm water together .  Then dump in toilet and flush. And vinigar and baking soda to clean drains. So far no problems! I dont have water conditioner but neighbor does and he's dumped his brine water for over 40 years and does meat also. He also recommends a dead cat in the tank every year. I'll stick to pumping. LOL
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We never did a thing to ours in the way of treatment, and it went 17 years until it needed pumping out. Solids build-up, nothing any treatment is going to help anyway. $150 every 17 years is not bad at all.

The only "special" things we do are minimize what goes in the disposal, and liquid detergents instead of powder.
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I'd like to know if the service that pumps-out for $150 - $175 will travel to Upstate, NY.  We paid about $275 the last time that we need to have the tank pumped.  Of course it was in the middle of winter, and of course we had to pay extra to get someone over here with a jackhammer to expose the top of the tank, but we LOVE living here in the COLD WHITE NORTH part of the USA. 

If your septic is working well, then a couple of brines won't disturb that.  If you think that you are getting above the half-way point, then I strongly suggest adding the Rid-X. 

Of course, this is just my Humble (Crappy) Opinion.   ;) ;) ;)

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RidX doesn't do anything about the solids. That's what has to be pumped. Waiting until the tank is full of solids is a sure way to plug the drain field also. Now you're talking thousands upon thousands of $ to replace the whole septic system. I think this topic is digressing a tad. ;D ;D
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I was incorrect, ours was over $200 but under $300.
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Quote from: FLBentRider on February 16, 2012, 06:19:59 PM
I was incorrect, ours was over $200 but under $300.
mine was about $259 after five years and just did it as a maintenance thing in 2009. I think I will wait ten years next time, Just dont want to wait till it comes up and defys gravity  ;) My worst nightmare is having to replace the drainfield. Thanks for everybodys help and comments on this subject