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recovery time sooo long

Started by hybridcx, February 27, 2012, 09:23:37 PM

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just curious what is an exceptable recovery time for Bradley. I have done chicken 2 times the first time I did 3 whole ones, so I figured there was a reason for the recovery time to be a bit longer. but this weekend I did just skinless chicken breast. with a dual prob pid set at 250 warm up and placed in and was going to rotate on the hour but after 2 hours of smoke I was only able to get up to 160 on both pid and maverick? I ordered the second element and should be here wend. but I thought this was just a little too long..whats everyone else see as there recovery time? ambient temp was 40 and breezy but not too windy.

Habanero Smoker

First, I hope you didn't keep them in the smoker for too long at that cabinet temperature.

Skinless chicken doesn't produce any more moisture then most meats, but I have to ask what was your vent setting? If it is either too far open or too closed, that can have an effect on the cabin temperature.

Are you sure you PID settings were correct?

How many chicken breast did you cook at one time?



160 after two hours (if I read that correctly)?  That is about what you expect with the smoke gen burner only (i.e., heating element not working).  Did the temp ever recover?  If not, it's time to do some heating element trouble shooting.

If it did recover, but time was just excessive, there are other things to look at.  What was the outside temp and was the Bradley exposed to wind? Cold wind greatly affects recovery time.   You can place a couple of bricks in the cabin to serve as heat sinks.  Best solution is a second element or the single 900W element.


I did end up finishing in oven due to low temp. The element was working (it was red). The pid was set right as it wasn't a staged cook. Just 250 and I set it for like 6 hours and it did Orr heat well.

I am doing the second element next week. I can try the brick thing too that shuld help. The vent was wide open guess I could of closed it off some. And it was breezy not too windy and in the 40's. Thanks for the replys I am sure it will be fine with the second element and recal the pid..


I always cook with my vent all the way open.  It's kinda counter intuitive, but less than 100% open can actually lower the temp by trapping moister (learned that from the experts here).  You are gonna love the dual element mod.  I usually warm up to 260 degrees, and that takes about 15 min even with water straight from the tap.  Recovery times take only a few minutes.


good to hear. oh and it was 10 skinless breast. didn't get that in my last post. I was just curious and i might be over loading the smoker for all I know. but wen the finished product comes off even in large batches it doesn't last long..

Habanero Smoker

Ten boneless chicken breast is not a large load. Probably closing the vent to 3/4 to 1/2 would have maintained more heat, and allow plenty of moisture to escape.

Quote from: TonyL222 on February 28, 2012, 03:36:43 PM
I always cook with my vent all the way open.  It's kinda counter intuitive, but less than 100% open can actually lower the temp by trapping moister (learned that from the experts here).  You are gonna love the dual element mod.  I usually warm up to 260 degrees, and that takes about 15 min even with water straight from the tap.  Recovery times take only a few minutes.

I find you only need to leave it 100% open with chicken with skin, or other meats with skin such as picnics, or very large loads. The vent setting are very useful to someone with only one element. With two elements, it really doesn't matter if you run with it wide open, since you have doubled your heat source.



Thanks for the breakdown on vents I did not think 10 pieces of chicken was too much.. I do look forward to the second element, once I get time to out it in..


Quote from: Habanero Smoker on February 29, 2012, 02:06:10 AM

I find you only need to leave it 100% open with chicken with skin, or other meats with skin such as picnics, or very large loads. The vent setting are very useful to someone with only one element. With two elements, it really doesn't matter if you run with it wide open, since you have doubled your heat source.

THANKS for tha insight, Habs