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Easy Landjaeger

Started by NePaSmoKer, February 29, 2012, 06:23:19 PM

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So dont be afarid or ascared no mo  ;D

Easy Peasy Landjaeger for 2.5 lbs and no special humidity required even.

Here is what you need.

1.5 lbs of lean chuck or 93/7 GB
1 lb poke butt (ground)

1 3/4 tsp non iodized salt
1/2 tsp cure #1 (You can use cure #2 but you will have a very hard LJ link)
1 tsp ground black pepper
1/4 tsp garlic granules
1/4 tsp ground caraway seed
1/4 tsp ground coriander (pack this in the spoon)
1/4 tsp cardamom
1/4 cup fermento
2 Tbs clear karo
1/3 cup cold water
rinsed sheep casing (if you have hog those are ok to)

Here are some pics. Will tell steps below pics.


I added all the dry to the water except fermento and karo. Mix well

Next add the karo and mix in well. Then add the fermento and mix well to get rid of clumps. After you have this all mixed put in fridge.

GB and Poke. Cover and fridge so you can work on the casings. Dont mix the liquid in yet.

Prepare the sheep casings...WHEEEEEWWW, Like being back on the farm  :o

Clean the packing salt off and rinse inside to.

Clean casing soaking......Yea but sheep are such a pain to use you say.....HA, Its a secret

Now pack them sheep dip things back in salt and in the fridge.

Ok here is what you do. After you get the meat mixed and stuffed.

You can make into short links 6"  twist the middle. Make into a set of 2 links and weigh one set. Write it down and tie a string on this one. Green weight its called.

Fridge the links overnight on a flat plastic container or cookie sheet lined with clear wrap. Cover the links with paper towel (not cloth)

In the morning hang the links on a dowel or somewhere so the casings can dry some while you Pre heat your smoker to 140/NO SMOKE and add the LJ. When you have the LJ in wait for the temp to come back to 140 and roll smoke. I like pecan or hickory but you what you like. Give the LJ 2 full hours of smoke at the 140*

After the 2 hours of 140 smoke raise the temp to 170* IF YOU HAVE A PID THIS IS WHERE IT WILL COME IN HANDY/USE YOUR FAN IF YOU HAVE ONE INSTALLED. Smoke the LJ at the 170* for another hour. Check it now. Your wanting 160.

If you dont have the IT of the LJ at 160 PID temp to 175* (Carefull here so you dont fat-out) Check LJ every 30 mins


If your at the IT, take the LJ with the string and re weigh it. Did it loose 15% of its weight?

If not replace LJ with the sting, Lower smoker temp to 160* Continue to check the sting LJ every hour (CAREFUL DONT FAT-OUT)

You should have lost 15% by now. If so remove all the LJ and cool at room temp. After the cool down place in fridge uncovered for 1 day. Cut if you wish into single sticks, vac seal and freeze.

See easy peasy.

BBL with stuffing pics


Stuffing begins on the LJ

Couple blow outs but no biggie

Length em how ya like em. Poke any air bubbles out.


I'm going to make em flat some.

In the fridge. The Lonzino is on top, It comes out on Sunday.


Dang! That fridge of yours has been getting a workout lately.

Looking good!

WeQ4u - BBQ Team

(2) - Stainless Steel 4 Rack's with Dual probe PID
1- Digital, 6 Rack
(2) Bradley Cold Smoke Attachment
(2) Backwoods Smokers
(1) Chicken Little


YES!!! Love LJ!!
The last time I had LJ was many moons ago in "Say Ya to da U.P., EH!". I'm going to make this for my friend who still has a hunting camp up there.

Thanks for posting this recipe and tutorial. Awesome!


When I first started smoking,I was told never store beer in the same fridge as your curing meat.There is too much warm air let in when going for all those beer.L.O.L. But it sure looks GOOD!!!!!I'm marking your recipe thanks.
If your looking back at the things you missed,You won't know what hit you.

Smoke some

Thanks for the recipe.....I will give this a go soon :)



I missed some air pockets in the casing. Oh well


Looks good. I need to order some of the fermento and give this a try. Although my money is currently being saved for the gas it will take to drive to this SEGA Smoke Out thing you been speaking of ;D
Bacon is the Crack Cocaine of the Food World.

Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!


Ready for the paper bag and fridge



Out of town for a couple days but i got the LJ all cut up.

Some close up $$ for ya

In the vac


Looks Great Rick, Nice Receipt!!