
Started by hybridcx, March 20, 2012, 07:43:58 PM

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Those look great. Whats the nugget recipe? Might try some this weekend.


Made my first batch today and they came out fantastic. I used my pepper grinder and ground some fresch red pepper on them. I used a taryaki marinade that was from the same company but had a pinapple base and I combined that with a mandarin orange terryacki jerky seosoning from Cabelas. I will most definately do these again and am considering throwing in crushed red pepper during the marinade process. Will post pics ASAP
Gitter Done


Quote from: RedneckRN on May 29, 2012, 04:03:01 PM
Made my first batch today and they came out fantastic. I used my pepper grinder and ground some fresch red pepper on them. I used a taryaki marinade that was from the same company but had a pinapple base and I combined that with a mandarin orange terryacki jerky seosoning from Cabelas. I will most definately do these again and am considering throwing in crushed red pepper during the marinade process. Will post pics ASAP

That recipe sounds very good. Was it sweet and hot at the same time?

Plainfield CT????? I used to live in Putnam!
"Telling you to invest in smoking your own jerky because buying it so much was getting way too expensive was the worst thing I could have ever done to us, now look at the monster I have created!" :-)
               -My Wife


That is a good looking batch of nuggets. They look kind of chewy just like I would like them. I am with you. I would like them a little on the over done side. They look great.