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Gotta Love the Canadain Postal Service (or not)

Started by JZ, December 06, 2012, 02:49:48 PM

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On November 14th I ordered some stuff from Thermapen and from Weston for the new grinder. Both companies shipped the order the next day. The Thermapen order arrived at the post office 3 or 4 business days later (wow that was fast). No delays,  no duties, no processing fees. :)

The Weston order just arrived today. I pick it up at the post office and am told there are custom fees that must be paid first. $16.43 on a $43 order. $9.95 was a "handling fee" the rest was duties and taxes (fair enough). So I check out the government customs website and find that the handling fee is charged by the post office for collecting the duties and fees, then submitting them to the federal government. All across this country, private companies collect provincial and federal taxes for these governments and submit these funds to the governments without charging a "handling fee" and I am guessing there is a law preventing these companies from doing so. Yet one branch of the government collects these funds to submit to another branch and charges this ridiculous fee, plus holds up delivery of the parcel. Essentially the government is charging me a fee to take my money. >:( :P

When I get home I open the long delayed parcel and find that one of the parts I ordered isn't in the package, even though the packing slip states it is. I call Weston and without hesitation or any argument they tell me the missing part will be sent out tomorrow. That's service. Now I just have to hope it doesn't get stuck at the customs office for another week or two, while they try to figure out how to charge me for something I have already paid for.  :o

Well that's my rant for today. ;)

I think I will go have a cold one and try not to think of all the taxes I had to pay for that. :'(


Thats just aint right, sorry you have to deal with such B.S. and frustrations.


I hope you bring your check book with you bud. I can tell you they will charge you the extra fees and try and tell you that it was Weston's fault and not theirs that the order was shipped short. You might get lucky if its a small part and Weston sends it snail-mail or has the smarts to pay the brokerage fees a head of time but from my experience like this you will be paying again.


Canada Post is basically a bunch of over paid lazy SOB's. They don't give a Rat's A** about you. I really hope in the future, the general delivery stuff is taken away from them and handled on a private basis. Then they will either go out of business or have to step up and treat people properly.

Sorry for the rant, but I have a real hate for Canada Post.

I always avoid them like the plague.



JZ, i hate when the government sticks there hands in my  pockets .. sheesh,,, sorry to hear of your shipping wows at least you  do have good customer service


You might try to locate a member that's located close to the border and visits this side frequently. Someone may have a mailing/shipping address here on this side. The goods could be brought across the border in person, and then forwarded on to you. Phoney fees aren't exclusive to north of the border. >:( >:(
Give a man a beer and he'll waste a day.
Teach him how to brew and he'll waste a lifetime.


I'm in for privatizing Canada Post. Any private company that would run a business like them would have shut down years ago.



You might try to locate a member that's located close to the border and visits this side frequently. Someone may have a mailing/shipping address here on this side. The goods could be brought across the border in person, and then forwarded on to you. Phoney fees aren't exclusive to north of the border. >:( >:(

I've had quite a few things shipped across the border and this is the first time I got screwed like this. I think it is a random thing ....... so I guess I take my chances.

I've got adult kids that live close to the border and they have one of those US postal boxes where they can have stuff shipped  but for small stuff like this it isn't worth the hassle of going across the border both ways. I'll reserve that for larger, more expensive items.

I have a general hate on for government. Before I retired I used to deal with City staff and elected officials in several different cities, on a continuous basis. While there are good people that work in these places there are also some real a$$holes and the problem is that they have way too much power.

Please don't get me started talking about government and how I have been ripped off by them. One of my adult kids bought me a T shirt that has some writing on it that pretty much sums up my sentiment about government. It says "I don't need sex. I get screwed by the government every day." :'(

Crap now I have to go calm down again. Maybe I'll take the dog for a walk.