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About to buy first smoker

Started by jdhunt0, December 27, 2012, 08:24:43 AM

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I've been wanting to get a smoker for a while now.  I like the idea of a wood heated one, but I have used a friends in the past and it is an all day event to babysit his smoker while it cooks.  The electric smokers seem to be more trouble free and that means I will use it much more.

At first I was drawn to the Digital 4, but with the price on the Original from Cabela's I don't think I can pass it up.  I can add the PID later if needed.  I have seen people comment the digital smoker has temp swings of up to 20 deg I think, how bad is the original?


If you are considering a PID in the future, I think the original will do the job very nicely. Both digital and non digital are subject to the same degree of temp swings from what I have read. I just purchased a digital about 2 months ago, but just purchased a dual pid for better control doing smoked salmon. Temp swings not as critical for normal beef and pork recipes from what I understand. Had I known at the start, I would have gone with the original. A lot of great people much more versed than me can provide you more information based on experience. Mine is primarily from reading at this point. Enjoy and welcome


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Smoker John

Bradley Digital 4 Rack
Bradley BS712


I think that's a great plan.  At the cabelas price you could add a PID later if you want an still be under the digital price point and have tighter temp control.

Welcome to the forum!

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DBS 6 Rack
Dual 500W Element Mod
BBQ Guru DigiQ / Raptor Combo


i have the original 4 rack have had it for 8 years now and really  enjoy it, though over the years i have done a few mods to it , still a good unit and im sure you  will enjoy a 4 rack none the less


Other than a bigger cabinet i see no advantage to the digital. Still needs a pid to hold temps. I ordered the 4 rack and pid at the same time. Because i do alot of sausages like trail bologna and salami and things. And in my opinion the swing is way to much for what i need. Thats the reason i sold the propane and bought the bradley. Ive also bought more racks so i can have as many as 12 fore some things. I added my maverick 732 and those three things makes my life a lot easier.

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A few pics from smokes....
Inside setup.


I saw in Bradley's Facebook page they were going to have a sale, so I waited to see what it was going to be before I ordered.  It was not on the smokers so I just placed my order with Cabelas.  I found a code for another $20 off.  I can't wait for it to get here.  What are some recommended items to try smoking first?  What pucks should I get?


IMO Pork butt or spare ribs.  Hickory an apple...  Little whiskey oak maybe?  All personal preference...

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DBS 6 Rack
Dual 500W Element Mod
BBQ Guru DigiQ / Raptor Combo


Welcome to the forum!

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first smoke recommendations ribs, pork, tri tip 



Picked up some hickory pucks this weekend along with a Maverick ET-732.  I have a 1/4 of a steer I bought that should be ready any day now.  I wish Cabelas would get my smoker shipped.


Welcome - I have the same unit - got it for Christmas and just love it!
Dual Element Mod
Auber Dual Probe
Maverick ET-732


Can't wait to put some ribs on in the morning.


hows it going guys sorry don't mind me I'm newbie on here didn't mean to jump into the conversation i got lost trying to figure out how to post but i have a quick question i was gonna order OBS myself again dont mind if this is a dumb question but i notice there were 2 OBS one had a smoke design on the front door while the other was just plain black which when would be best to buy? any help is greatly appreciated