my christmas gift

Started by cackler69, December 31, 2012, 05:54:47 AM

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I'm looking forward to lots of helpful info on this forum to help me play with my new toy....Bradley electric digital 6 rack  ;D
Got a turkey breast brined and toy is primed!


Welcome to the forum cackler, now lets get that bird in the smoker :)


Welcome to the forum.  Vent opened 100% for that turkey breast.  Poultry releases a lot of moisture and you want it to escape quickly.  Otherwise it will hang around and hold the temps down in your tower.


welcome to the forum, top vent wide open, smoke with apple or cherry till an internal temp of 180, box temp of 225... good luck


Gotta remember to check back in next time  :D Turned out great! Putting in 6 whole Mallards today. Using's 32 degrees outside long and how hot should I go?? Thanks!


I smoked some Mallard just before Christmas. Had a set temperature of 200, smoked for two hours with oak and took the internal breast temperature to 150. I can't remember how long that took but they were succulent and took the smoke well. I brined them first with a salt, sugar and cure 1 mixture.


Welcome cackler69 . Another Newbie here. I give you alot of credit for what you have accomlished-you did well. The folks here are great and really helpful.
Bradley 4 rack


So.....I set it for 200, for 6 hours.....smoking for 4.....I'm guessing that's too long?!  :o I'm checking on them now!


Nawww, it'll take 6hrs to get done enough. These are whole, good sized wild birds. Whew! Ya scared me.

This is Mrs. Cackler today...playing with it. Just in case hubby posts on here too I will sign off as Mrs. C so peeps know the difference  :-*  Thank you for the Welcomes and help!


4 hours smoke will not do it any harm but there seems to be diminishing returns on time i.e. 4 hours smoke will not give it twice as much smoke flavour as two hours. I have found two hours on hot smoked items to be enough for my taste. I'm not sure about how long it will take altogether to cook, I use IT so I just leave it until the required temperature is reached. They will not be crisp when finished but you can crisp them up in the oven afterwards if you want - I didn't and the meat was fine but the skin was a bit tough.

Welcome to the forum btw. You are jumping in with both feet :)


The skin will just go to's only serving it's purpose protecting the meat.
Yes, sir...BOTH FEET  ;D I'm going to contemplate less smoke time, thank you, those bisquettes are not necessarily cheap. It's gonna be a fun toy!! But, now I realize I have a new problem....
How to keep the dog from thinking the smoking chips are his chew treat!!!! BAD DOG  >:( He picked them right out of the stack!


In that case be careful where you put the used bisquettes. I used to throw them on the compost thinking they would be good for the garden but realised my dog was searching them out and eating them because of the fat that had dripped through onto them. He even shows an interest in the outside drain I throw the contents of the water bowl into. BAD DOG too. I do feed him :)



I'm too late to this party but that 200 degree temp for 6 whole mallards would be of concern to me.  It strikes me it may be a long time for poultry in the danger zone of 40-140F unless there was some type of curing agent applied to the ducks beforehand.

Obviously just my opinion and I will yield to those more learned than me.


KyNola, If hubby and grandkids die  8) I will concede.....yes, I'm sure you're right....

As for the ducks in question? Epic fail. They're in the oven now, to cease the bleeding  :-\

Hubby and grandson did get to eat the smallest which WAS done, and it was great....but overall, I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT I'M DOING.

Oh well, thank you again for the welcome party, I appreciate it sincerely and I WILL return again real soon.....I have a freezer full of Elk and Duck to experiment with.

afterthought- I DID brine those suckers overnight with a recipe I found around here...does that count as curing??

Mrs. C  :-*