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rookie smoker

Started by jvanpeebles, January 05, 2013, 05:02:41 PM

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So I got this for fathers day and have some successes and failures. Most recently I did some ribs as per the forums and they were okay but i was not blown away. They were a little dry and I am curious how to get them more moist. I smoked at about 200 for about 3.5 hours as mine does not go over that when meet is in there for some reason. Then I sauced and wrapped in tinfoil for another 3 at about 180-200. When it was smoking I would spray it with apple juice every hour. What did I do wrong?


where are you taking your temps from? If it is other than below the lowest rack with meat, you may be seeing higher temps then what your are reading. Also, are you using an extension cord (should be 12 gauge if you are) or what else is on the same circuit? These two could be limiting power tot he Bradley.
You didn't say what type of rib you had. 6.5 hours is kind of long for baby backs.
try this:
Spare ribs:
1)apply your favorite rub. Put in smoker at 225* (or 200* if that is the best you can do). Put in meat side down for the first hour and then flip it to meat side up. Smoke for 3 hours. 
2) Take out and set ribs on a sheet of foil. Spritz with apple juice, beer, or favorite liquid. Drizzle honey, some brown sugar, and a TBS of butter. Double wrap in foil so that you can put it in meat side down without juices running out. Leave in for 2 hours.
3) Take out and unwrap (careful it is hot as is the juice). Save the juice in a container.
4) Mop the ribs with the juice from the foil, you can also mop with your favorite BBQ sauce.
5)Put back in the smoker for about an hour.
That is called the 3-2-1 method.
For baby backs I use the same method but 3-1.5-1 (or until done to your liking.)

The above is not my recipe but had been posted by others previously.
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