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Hot Smoking with a Cold Smoke Adapter in enclosure

Started by Defiant, February 14, 2013, 06:39:21 AM

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I am considering getting a Cold Smoke Adapter and building an enclosure to protect it from the elements.  Two questions, one, does anyone have any examples of enclosures they have done?  Two, once you setup the cold smoker do you leave it in place for hot smoking or do you swap it in and out? 


there are  some custom built cabinets that people have  made for there smokers for what you  want to  do and i believe they leave then  in one configuration all the time... im sure they will post what they have  done


I keep mine in my enclosure all the time. It is set up for cold smoking and I use that set up for both cold smoke and hot smoke. I had originally bought a Bradley cold smoke adaptor, but when I went to a permanent set up I built a bigger cold smoke box. The reason is that the Bradley water bowl barely fits in their box. For longer hot smokes (butts, briskets, etc) I wanted to use a bigger pan so that I would not have to change water as frequently. So I built a bigger box. Here are some pics.
Here is the shelter when it was new (it is pretty weathered now)

Here is a pic of the shelter opened up and set up

Close up of the cold smoke box I built

Box opened and you can see the larger water pan. You still need to put a pan in the smoker cabinet to collect the grease and drippings ( should put some type of liquid in it. I start out with beef broth or apple juice and save the drippings for gravy making.)

I have always been fighting a stubborn leak that I was never able to nail down. Because I am tired of fighting it and it is very weathered I decided to build another. This one will be a basic shed design with just 2 doors in front.

Hope this all helps
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