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Anyone smokin' ABT's

Started by BigSmoker, June 28, 2004, 10:55:52 PM

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You know jalepeno's.  Take jal. and cut in half length wise.  clean out stem, seeds and all hot stuff.  wash pat dry.  here's the yummy part.  take leftover butt and chop it fine.  fill jal. with butt until level with edges.  soften some cream cheese and form other side of pepper with cream cheese.  sprinkle with favorite rub.  wrap whole thing with bacon use t.pick to secure bacon.  Smoke at 300 for about 60 minutes or until bacon is cooked and pepper is soft.


Some say BBQ is in your blood, if thats true my blood must be BBQ sauce.
Some people say BBQ is in the blood, if thats true my blood must be BBQ sauce.


arggggggggggg!!!!!   my heart!  But it sure sounds great!

"A mans got to know his limitations"
Glendora, CA - USA!


The guy's at the lake will love that one this weekend.  I'll give it a try if there is any leftovers.[:D]  Man that sounds good!!

Grand Forks, ND


If you remove all the hot stuff they are really pretty mild.  I forgot to give the name for ABT its' Atomic Buffalo Turd. LOL. They are really good try them.


Some say BBQ is in your blood, if thats true my blood must be BBQ sauce.
Some people say BBQ is in the blood, if thats true my blood must be BBQ sauce.


I've tried making jalepenos poppers (cheese stuffed jal).  They were really spicy even though I took out the seeds and veins.  I've also had jalepeno's that were'nt quite so spicy.  Does the jalepenos heat depend on where they were grown?


Thats a great point.  I do not know the answer but would love to know.  I guess spicy/hot also depends on your palatte.  I guess I should say I don't find them "very hot".  What time zone are we on here?


Some say BBQ is in your blood, if thats true my blood must be BBQ sauce.
Some people say BBQ is in the blood, if thats true my blood must be BBQ sauce.



I'm going to try roast the outside of the pepper with a torch...that too will mellow the flavor.

Grand Forks, ND

Cold Smoke

I've tried these before - they're really good. The jalapenos do seem to lose most of their heat though once cooked through. I did toss the seeds- maybe keep a few for the filling next time. The last recipe I had called for habanero peppers mixed in with the cream cheese. That would make the old taste bugs tingle some.

Cold Smoke


The ATB's were a BIG hit this weekend....I finished them on the grill.[:D][:D]  The guy's and I can't wait to try them with smoked Pheasant [:)][:)]

Grand Forks, ND

Cold Smoke

I made a batch of ABTs using large jalapenos recently- wrapped in my very own bacon to boot. Now, I've made these in the past and they were very tasty but I thought they lacked a bit of heat. I like heat and I think I can tolerate a fair dose- I can eat a can/jar of those little sliced pickled 'penos, no problemo. I can suck them back like a python in a bunny cage without having to reach for a napkin to wipe my brow. However this time these little babies caught me off guard. Big time. After the first big bite I was doing the George Jefferson while my wife ran to call 911 -"Get me the fire department". HOT !! Like Africa hot! I'm not sure if I just got a batch of mutant jalapenos or what but they acted alot like habaneros.

"Ola! Senorita, dos (2)cerveza por favor!! And keep them coming".

In the past I noticed that if the peppers weren't completely cooked they retained some good heat but were kinda mild if completely cooked. This last batch was completely cooked through yet still made my knees buckle. Anyone else have this happen?

That was a week ago- my speech is just starting to come back and the swelling has gone down some....

Cold Smoke


Cold Smoke,
At first I thought I was a wimp because I couldn't handle the heat from a jalepeno, but I eat pickled jalepeno w/ everything.  I even ask for containers of jal. w/ my popcorn when I go to the movies.
Some jalepeno batches are mild and some are very spicy.  The next time I buy jalepenos I'm going to taste 1 at the store first to make sure they are not too extreme.  Or to be on the safe side... I've seen colored small bellpeppers shaped like jalepenos that have no heat and still gives that yummy peppery flavor.  I've seen these at Costco if your on the west coast.


kjel & smoke,

I'm the same way about the flavor over the heat.  Love that jalepeno flavor.  My wife is the reverse.  I have experienced the same, some are hot and the others mild, haven't quite got into tiasting at the store yet though, good idea.  I have found something that if you wanted to had some good peppery heat, I bought some ground dehydrated jalepeno to flavor my bacon.  To say the least this stuff is off the charts on heat but I might add a little bit to my cream cheese/bacon filling of my ABT's to add a little extra flavor and kick for the wife.


Perryville, Arkansas

If a man says he knows anything at all, he knows nothing what he aught to know.  But...


Perryville, Arkansas

It's not how much you smoke but how many friends you make while doing it...

Cold Smoke

Does anyone know if it's the size of the jalapeno that would dictate the heat dosage? Does size really matter? (Kirk,here's a big fat one -middle of the plate for you...). That last batch I made was with larger peppers than I usually use. Just wondering.....I have not experienced such a noticeable heat difference in the past.

MW- I'll have to keep an eye out for that ground jalapeno stuff- like you, I love the flavor~~~though I've not yet tried it on popcorn.[:)]Definately worth a try.
Anxious to hear how your 'peno bacon turns out.

Cold Smoke



The last batch I did I bought from Sams Club in a two lb container,(A little cheaper per pound)  They said they were premium, what ever that means, but they were all about 25 percent larger, and some really large ones, as a whole there were a few hot ones in there but I couldn't tell the difference from the ones I buy loose at WalleyWorld at a smaller size.

As far as popcorn is concerned, besides Q, there isn't anything I consume more.  Putting jalapeƱos on popcorn could almost be considered a sin in some parts of the world.  Nothing like white kernel corn, cooked in a heavy pot with plenty of non-hydrogenated fat (real butter) and a good dose of salt.   That's it, nothing better...And of course, your favorite beverage  AND Monday Night football.


Perryville, Arkansas

If a man says he knows anything at all, he knows nothing what he aught to know.  But...


Perryville, Arkansas

It's not how much you smoke but how many friends you make while doing it...


That popcorn sounds good[:p]  Will give it a try.  I have cooked tons of ABT's and find the degree of heat depends on the doneness of the pepper.  If they aren't quite done they will retain some heat.  For me thats not bad but the Smokemistress isn't found of the heat.  She likes ABT's prepared with bananna peppers.  When I cook(jalepenos)them on my ceramic grill I cook at 300f for 45min.-1hr. indirect heat.  When I do them on my SSBS I cook them of course longer and slower at a lower temp.  I have found I get impatient waiting for them and usually pull a little early.  The ones I cook on the SSBS always seem a little warm.  I guess it could also have to do with the slower cooking time.  No matter what they are quite tasty.[:p][:p][:p][:D]


Some say BBQ is in your blood, if thats true my blood must be BBQ sauce.
Some people say BBQ is in the blood, if thats true my blood must be BBQ sauce.