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Garden Thread?

Started by RedJada, March 24, 2013, 03:17:15 PM

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QuoteMy wife's brother thinks they look like alien egg pods.

Looks like he is right ....... those things are climbing your stairs and about to break in the door. RUUUUUUNNNNNNN.


Finally got my Garden planted. I thought for a while it was going to

a fall garden but everything finally came together. Now, it time to watch

it grow and get back to smokin meat.


Wow, great pics all! Wish i was somewhere warmer right now too. Were still frosting on and off here. So I have planted 400 foot of Kennebec Potatoes, Around 600 onions of various types, About 100 leeks and a 35 foot row of sweet peas and broccoli.  I have a small 10x12 greenhouse we built from recycled objects and well over 1400 plants started indoors waiting to get out.  I have a lot of small gardens along with my big one and several other good size ones. 150 foot of red raspberries, 75 foot of concord grapes, a strawberry patch of roughly 200 plants, A nice large rhubarb  patch and more. Als 5 fruit trees. So always plenty to do when I'm up to it. Will post pics when their up nice. We make our own potting soil,germinating soil and garden soil. Use tons of compost. and in general try to be self supporting as we can. I do believe we could shut off all utilities and be fine now. We live from our gardens and saved foods. Now if i could find a way to keep my meats without a freezer id be set. We do dry and can some. But still freeze a lot of meat when we can.
Just a suggestion. Would be nice to have a forum for this type stuff on here. Maybe a homestead or prepper stuff.
And for those of this type interest i have a page on facebook for it if you want to join. Actually its quite diverse in many areas of  homesteading from raising gardens to farm animals and all sorts of tips. I alot have pics of my plants and greenhouse their. I'm going to post the link as i see no trouble with that on a smoking site. But if there is please delete or tell me and I will. And if you join be sure to let me know who you are so I can say hi!
A few pics from smokes....
Inside setup.


 LOL viper, I know what you mean about the frost thing seeing how its snowing here right now, not sticking though. Last weekend we got our new planters tilled and fertilized with cow manure. With having a new patio poured and a very large maple tree removed last fall I also need to get some new grass seeded in the back yard. Looking like the weather is going to break this afternoon with decent weather tomorrow. The plan for today is to cut what grass I have in the back, rent tiller and till back there and get some grass planted. Tomorrow Ill get the garden tilled and get some cold weather crops planted, hope I'm not too late for that.


Yes I been tilling quite often. I like to keep stirring them till planted. and its easy for me with the tractor and 5 foot tiller. I add huge amounts of leaves and various mulches. Since Ohio is basically a re clay covered state it is required pretty much. But the beds I been working are nice and rich after 4+ years of doing this. And my chickens manure and bedding will only improve it. Have a friend suppose to haul be 15-20 tons of manure free. and also some topsoil hes getting rid of from anice swampy wet type area. Will really boost my growing.
A few pics from smokes....
Inside setup.


 Busy weekend. I got the tiller late yesterday and tilled the area where I need to plant grass. Today I raked it smooth, added some lime and cow manure, did a light till to blend then raked smooth again. At this time I stopped to take a break and enjoy a cold one. While looking at my work a little bird landed right in the middle of the tilled area, looked at me and said "your going to put grass seed down" and flew off. LOL... Seeded the grass area anyway. Also got the garden area tilled and seeded some lettuce and peas. Just seems like I'm behind so I had to get something in the garden. I will post some photos in a couple weeks once things start going.


Got mine tilled.Waiting on spring to arrive. Got alot of plants waitin hope it comes soon!!

smoker pete

Once again we're going to be on the road this summer but our neighbor and his family are happy to use my raised beds again  ;)  They've got a good start ... needs a little work between the beds before the grass and weeds take over!   ;D  ;D  Harvesting strawberries from the 1st bed.  The 2nd bed is potatoes ...

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