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New Bradley BTS1 and the pucks not advancing properly!

Started by 4given, April 29, 2013, 11:12:45 AM

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I have smoked three times in the new bradley BTS1 since I recieved it from Bradley.  Each time I have used it the pucks don't always advance automaticly or manually. Most of the tome it wont advance the puck automaticaly and I have to press the manual advance button in order to get the next puck to advance. Sometimes I might have to push the manual advance button 2 or three times befor it wil finally advance the puck.  I am having to check the smoker every 20 minutes to see if a new puck has advanced to the burner. Its a real pain.

I tested it with no pucks in it and it cycled everytime i pushed the manual advance button. So far it seems to be malfuntioning when it has pucks in it.

This is a new smoke generator. What do you think is wrong?
Not Perfect but Forgiven
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Bradley BTIS1
Green Mountain Grill "Daniel Boone" Pellet Grill
Webber "Q" 100


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sounds like you  have a  weak motor,,, contact bradley


Not Perfect but Forgiven
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Bradley BTIS1
Green Mountain Grill "Daniel Boone" Pellet Grill
Webber "Q" 100

Habanero Smoker

Make sure that the feeder tube is straight.

To test for a weak motor, remove the feeder tube, push the manual feed button. When the feeder retracts stick your finger to block the forward movement of the feeder. It should put pressure on your finger then retract. If it retract without placing pressure (or very little pressure on your finger you have a weak motor.

Check Bradley FAQ's for more tips.



Not Perfect but Forgiven
Want to be forgiven too?
Bradley BTIS1
Green Mountain Grill "Daniel Boone" Pellet Grill
Webber "Q" 100


Well I got the new micro switch from Bradley (thanks Brian & crew!) and I installed it. Unfortunatly it still did the same thing. Now that I had it dissassembled I watched the mechanisim work. turns out that the puck pusher was getting in a bind on the back stroke. I  removed the part that holds the puck magazine in place and guides the puck pusher. I saw no sawdust or anything tha was keeping it fron slidin back so I put it back on but I just barely snugged the screws. Works like a charm now! the screws must have been too tight warping the guides just enough to cause a problem.

Thanks for all the help and advice folks! 
Not Perfect but Forgiven
Want to be forgiven too?
Bradley BTIS1
Green Mountain Grill "Daniel Boone" Pellet Grill
Webber "Q" 100


I had similar problems with pucks sticking or being shot through 3 at a time.  I too replaced the micro switch which stopped the 3 at a time but I still have problems with the pucks sticking.  But not all the time.  Seems like only when I'm not watching it!!  I'll try your fix and see how it goes.  Thanks for posting.  Gee, I love this forum!!

Habanero Smoker

If you seen any scrape marks then your railings could need alignment.

If you look towards the bottom of the FAQ that is linked below, it will tell you how to realign them.

Biquettes Will Not Advance....
