Ok Who Is A-Smokin' What This Weekend - The Cat Is Back.

Started by Oldman, May 17, 2006, 11:40:07 PM

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Nope...didn't really FTC these.  I just covered 'em with foil while they rested.  As for the skin, it's not what I'd call crispy at all.  It still has, let's say, a bit of "texture".  It's not objectionable when sliced, though.
Peters Creek, Alaska

West Coast Kansan

I thought is was extra cloudy toward the north.  Welcome back to the west.

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NOW THAT'S A SMOKED OYSTER (and some scallops)


You definately have a full dance card, Owstrich. We'll be waiting on the pics...

West Coast Kansan

Hey, after cold smoking the 'fliet' for a bit (maybe and hour or so) how about brazing in the oven - kinda like doing a lamb  chop or veal rib.  May not sound great to a grill guy but smoking, followed by a searing in buttery EVOO real hot pan for a 30 seconds or so on each side, then covered pan into the oven at 350 for about 20 minutes plus or minus depending on the size makes for a pretty tasty treat IMO.  Did this when too cold to mess around outside. If you smoke ahead of time and can leave them overnight in the fridge makes the smoke flavor even better - not stronger just more uniform through out.

Just season with salt and pepper, - put the meat on rack inside the roasting pan to keep it off the pan. 

Die for Sauce:
4 shallots, finely chopped, 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped; 1 cup white wine; 2 cups beef or veal broth; 1/4 cup tomato paste; 2 tablespoons butter; salt and pepper.

Sauce; In a large skillet, saute the shallots and garlic in oil; add wine and reduce 2 minutes. Add the beef or or veal broth and the tomato paste; simmer for 5 minutes to let the flavors mix; Remove from heat; stir in the butter by tablespoons, Season to taste and set aside until the meat is done.

When you put it all together on plate with some veggies, sprinkle light with a good sea salt.

Dont need no stinking grill...

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NOW THAT'S A SMOKED OYSTER (and some scallops)


well now... we are back in our home away from home... the townplace in anaheim... i hauled the smoker up and its ready for 3 months of heavy use...

last night i got 16 checken bo obs with all the cheeze and backen and pepperoni to make a full bs full of backen wrapped hammered checken rolls... smart n final has beef tenderloins for $5.99lb so im thinking that will be tomorrows smoke...

was gonna do the thunder fish scallops tomorrow but the beef filet looks too dang good... gonna have to do the scallops next weekend... i know the fliet is for the grill but aint got no grill so gonna smoke to mr and sliced thin for lettuce wrapped bunless sanwiches...

i want to load the freezer up with smoked goods so carls jr... wendys... and in n out will have to wait to get more of our hard earned cash...

will be taking photos for your dining pleasure...

well... when i got the goods together i knew i was gonna have problems... 4lbs of backen that has no stretch to it...  a little tug and it falls apart... then the checken wasnt taking a hammering very well and was not slicing very well... so... uglys in the smoker...

you gotta eat...

i am johnny owrstrich... i disapprove of this post...


Looks perfectuly fine to me.  Just going to get all chewed up anyway.
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

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O, just have another brew and squint a little and it'll look just fine! ;D


Hey O: noticed that your BS is indoors and ducted.  How effective is your setup in keeping the smoke out of the living area?


that duct is connected to a box on top of bs with a slice cut out of the front for vacuum relief and a fan blowing out the window on the other end...

i have to load it cold and not open the door until all pucks are spent and then hold the duct directly to the vent and slowly fan the door untill all smoke is gone before unloading it or the heat and smoke will set off the fire alarm...

other than that no problems at all...

you gotta eat...

i am johnny owrstrich... i disapprove of this post...

West Coast Kansan

Those cheese strands on the rack are excellent.  The stuff on the drip pan is good too but i keep burning my fingers.

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NOW THAT'S A SMOKED OYSTER (and some scallops)


O- I see you got the smoking room again.  LOL.  Looks great. 
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here is a pic of the fan... its high tech...

and you know... most of my cheeze stayed put...

the finished goods...

you gotta eat...

i am johnny owrstrich... i disapprove of this post...

West Coast Kansan

Click On Link For Our Time Tested And Proven Recipes and Register at this site for Tuesday Night Chat Room Chat is FUN!

NOW THAT'S A SMOKED OYSTER (and some scallops)


That is an awesome picture.....

Does it come with a $20 off coupon for bypass surgery?   :D

I am now inspired to try thoses



Ugly may have gone into the smoker, but look at the beauty that came out.  This is what I plan to smoke next.  Superb job O.
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

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