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NEW to OBS...Mods to Do

Started by Rajdawg, June 24, 2013, 11:43:44 AM

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Ok guys.  I just got a slightly used OBS from a buddy a few weeks ago and have already done three smokes.  First was ribs, then about 13 lbs of pork butt, and my last smoke was 26 lbs of pork butt. 

I am officially addicted to this hobby and have started to look at mods that I need to do.  The first thing I am going to do is purchase an AUBER PID, but am curious how i set it up so that it bypasses the slider bar to set the temp?  Is there something that i need to do in order to set the TEMP correctly using the PID

Couple other mods I would like to do include a second heating element

any other suggestings for mods???

Habanero Smoker

Hi Rajdawg;

Welcome to the forum.

If you are still running on one element, you don't by past the slider temperature controller. Move it fully to the right, and leave it there. You then need to plug the cabinet (not the generator) into the PID, and it will control the temperature.

The below link will take you to a page that list several mods that have been done:

User Modifications

If you search the forum you will find more modes or variations of the mods listed on the other site. Beside the dual element mod, a 900 watt mods are most also popular.



many people on here will frown on the idea of modding your Bradley until you've had a chance to try it out "as is".  I have an OBS, used it in stock form for about a year and then added a second element and installed a PID controller in the smoke generator.  I love the results.

If you want to bypass the slider control it's fairly easy to do.  Just unplug the wires off it and install a jumper.  I left the ones on that cycle the little red LED power light just so I could see how the PID controller works.


Raj, Welcome aboard, there are a  lot of mods out here  and all have there benefits, and problems... you  need to decide the best one for you and go for it....

here is the link to my  heater and fan mod that i installed over 6 years ago with a 900 watt element


and my timer controller that turns off the smoker after 4 hr 40 minutes ( 40 minute warm up, 4 hr smoke )


hope this helps... and its all up to you on which way you go,,, good luck and  welcome aboard


Welcome Raj,
Back in the day, I got my OBS, did a cook to season it and made sure everything worked, then immediately added the second element and I have no regrets. (Never had any voided warranty issues with Bradley).

I recommend that you don't by pass the slider and when you add the 2nd element I would also add the on/off switch. The slider and switch came in handy when my PID crapped out and I had to send it back. So I was able to use the OBS manually while I was waiting for the PID to get returned.
"It ain't worth missing someone from your past- there is a reason they didn't make it to your future."

"Life is tough, it is even tougher when you are stupid"

Don't curse the storm, learn to dance in the rain.


Thanks for all the help guys.

I know I want to for sure order the pid to help control the temps better

After I posted I read further about the 900w element as opposed to the dual element so I am a little unsure which direction to go

As far as the smoking goes. How do you guys set it up so you don't have to change the water in that bowl. It sure would be a lot easier to start a smoke at night and not worry about

I have consider getting an amaz-n but not sure if its compatible with the bradley

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Quote from: Rajdawg on June 24, 2013, 06:02:25 PMHow do you guys set it up so you don't have to change the water in that bowl. It sure would be a lot easier to start a smoke at night and not worry about

Many people have exchanged the small bowl for one of those disposable aluminum baking pans.  I think the size is 9x13.  They hold much more water.  It is still recommended to change the water after the smoking part is done and all the spent pucks are in the water.  Then replace it with fresh water and head to bed.

BTW, when I posted the pic about bypassing the slider switch I thought you were talking about adding the Auber PID that you can install in the smoke generator or a project box, not the plug and play version.


Quote from: TedEbear on June 24, 2013, 06:13:08 PM
Quote from: Rajdawg on June 24, 2013, 06:02:25 PMHow do you guys set it up so you don't have to change the water in that bowl. It sure would be a lot easier to start a smoke at night and not worry about

Many people have exchanged the small bowl for one of those disposable aluminum baking pans.  I think the size is 9x13.  They hold much more water.  It is still recommended to change the water after the smoking part is done and all the spent pucks are in the water.  Then replace it with fresh water and head to bed.

BTW, when I posted the pic about bypassing the slider switch I thought you were talking about adding the Auber PID that you can install in the smoke generator or a project box, not the plug and play version.

What, if anything would I have to Do to the slider

If I had the plug n play pid with two elements?

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Quote from: Rajdawg on June 24, 2013, 06:15:56 PM
What, if anything would I have to Do to the slider

If I had the plug n play pid with two elements?

Just slide it all the way to the right so that part of the circuit stays on.  Then the PID controller will be the only thing cycling the power on and off.


Quote from: TedEbear on June 24, 2013, 06:21:48 PM
Quote from: Rajdawg on June 24, 2013, 06:15:56 PM
What, if anything would I have to Do to the slider

If I had the plug n play pid with two elements?

Just slide it all the way to the right so that part of the circuit stays on.  Then the PID controller will be the only thing cycling the power on and off.

Awesome thanks. May still build a custom pid

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD


As far as changing the water- I use a 9 X13 aluminum pan ( I think that is the size). I start about 8 pm and do 4 hrs smoke, change the water when the smoke is done a midnight and go to bed.
I change my water not just because the pucks are done, but it also gets full of grease. So I change it more often. With the dual element I don't need to worry about recovery times.
"It ain't worth missing someone from your past- there is a reason they didn't make it to your future."

"Life is tough, it is even tougher when you are stupid"

Don't curse the storm, learn to dance in the rain.


Just looking to clarify before I start tearing into things.  As long as I'm using a PID unit, there isn't a need to wire a second element through the slider (ie: I can wire both elements directly, circumventing the control board altogether) because the PID will cycle the element to maintain a set temperature, correct?

Saber 4

When you switch to the cake pan method make sure you remember to use hot/boiling water so you don't have a giant cold water heat sink when you go to bed. :)

Habanero Smoker

Quote from: r_man on July 17, 2013, 04:46:40 PM
Just looking to clarify before I start tearing into things.  As long as I'm using a PID unit, there isn't a need to wire a second element through the slider (ie: I can wire both elements directly, circumventing the control board altogether) because the PID will cycle the element to maintain a set temperature, correct?

Yes! The PID will control both elements. Therefore you can circumvent the control board.

On the other hand, you shouldn't wire your second element through the slider. It was not designed for 900w or 1000w. If you want to wire both directly you should bypass the slider; as pointed out by TedEBear in reply #2.



about to order my Auber PID...

Question for you guys.  I do not plan on doing elaborate smokes.  Mostly Brisket, Ribs, Chicken, etc

Would it be better for me to get the Single Probe or Dual Probe

I dont think I need smoke control, I am mostly just interested in setting a temp and knowing that it is going to maintain that temp in the smoker