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Beef Jerky

Started by Scooter, July 03, 2004, 07:57:03 PM

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Hello everyone,
  I downloaded my English directions for the smoker thanks to all who replied.  I cured the smoker last night and I wanted to try some Jerky tomorrow.  I was wondering what Temp everyone is using for Jerky and what kind of times they have been experiencing.  I was thinking around 100F for about 5-6 hrs does this sound right?  Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

Cold Smoke

Scooter, glad to hear your smokin'. I've made jerky a couple of times so far and used a little more heat- I think around the 150 mark. I guess 100F would work but it would just take a while longer. The amount of time will also depend on the size of the batch. This is one thing that I have overdone in the BS. It's not like you can stick a meat thermometer in this stuff. I would just take a quick peek every now and then and keep an eye on it. I've also rotated the racks a few times.

Good luck- let us know how it turned out.

Cold Smoke


Thanks for the info Cold Smoke.  After thinkin about it for awhile and doing a little math I think I have to much meat for one batch.  If I tried to cram everything in at once I think there would be to little air movement in the smoker.  Im going to try a batch at 100-F and 150-F and I will let you know how it turns out and what times and temps worked best.  Wish me luck.


I was also wondering the same thing...Today, i did the Smoked Salmon and it came out sooo good ... maybe the BEST I ever had!
I would love to hear how your jerky comes out!
Nomally, I use a round dehidrator with several shelfs, runs like 12 hours with rotation each hour. I would like to make the same with a smoke flavor in my new SMOKER! I just do not know how yet!
This is good fun though!
Happy 4th!
Wave the flag!


welcome scooter and gravy.i have done beef jerky many times with round steak.came out great each time.i put a post up in the meat section of main menu,page#2 under [jerky].only problem is theres never enough once i'm done makin the jerky.[:D] if you have'nt yet i would get an extra four racks from chez bubba.it will double capacity for jerky and other stuff.good luck.



Ok here's the Scoop on my 1st BS Jerky experience.  I started the heat in the smoker at 08:00 let it get to temp of 125-F and placed Meat in smoker at 08:45.  The outside temp was 85-F with a 15-20 MPH wind.  I found the smoker very sensitive to wind and had to move inside the garage out of the wind and the temp in the smoker settled and regulated.  My initial settings were Power 1/4 top vent 1/2.
The Jerky was cut to a thickness of 3/8"
08:45 temp 125-F dropped to 90-F
09:15 temp 110-F
0945 temp 125-F
1015 temp 130-F
1045 temp 140-F
1115 temp 140-F
1145 temp 145-F my estimated 1/2 way point door opened racks moved temp dropped to 130-F (Meat still looked raw)
1215 temp 140-F
1245 145-F
1315 temp 145-F
1345 temp 145-F
1415 temp 145-F
1445 temp 145-F door opened racks moved temp dropped 130-F outside temp dropped due to rain to 70-F
1515 temp 145
1545 temp 145
1615 temp 145-F top vent closed to 1/4 power increase 1/8 inch
1645 temp 140-F temp increased to 1/2 power
1715 temp 170-F
1815 temp 175-F
19:30 Temp 175-F meat looks close to done
20:30 temp 180-F Almost there
2100 Temp 180-F JERKY DONE!!!!

The Jerky came out great it took a lot longer than expected I thin in the future I would set the temp to 180-F initially hopefully this would decrease my cook time signifigantly.  Any more information anyone has to offer I would love to hear.  This was my experience hope it help someone to do a better job than me there 1st try.


Hey Scooter,
Glad you're happy with you jerky.  There's a lot more info in the recipe's section, if your're looking for a specific meat or dish.
I cook my jerky at around 180 and it takes a long time also.  The smoker to dehydrator must be a joke to you now...
I knew that it would take you some time, but 12 hrs is too long, you would have been better off to start hotter...now you know for next time, plus its a more effective lesson to learn from you own mistakes than someone elses[8D]

<b><font color="green">whitetailfan</font id="green"></b>
"Nice Rack"
Lethbridge, AB
Vegetarian is an ancient aboriginal word meaning "lousy hunter"
We have enough youth...how about a fountain of smart?
Living a healthy lifestyle is simply choosing to die at the slowest possible rate.



I've made many batches of jerky as well.  I think the temp thing depends on weather you're trying to cook the jerky or dry it.  When I do my jerky (venison,fowl or beef) I dry/smoke it at no more than 110F.  I can do about 10lbs at a time in the BS.  It's important that your strips are spaced 1/2" to 3/4" apart and I cut mine 1/2" thick and about 1 1/2" wide.  If you overload the smoker it will really take a long time.  My batches often take about 9 to 14 hours depending on the outside temps.  The great thing about the BS over many other types of smokers is that you CAN keep them temp down while still getting the smoke.

Have a great day.[:D]

Grand Forks, ND