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Down A Grill

Started by NePaSmoKer, July 28, 2013, 08:03:54 AM

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So i walk up onto the deck we have for the RV and say hmmmm?
Something not right here.


Some MF'R Stole my Weber Q120, Stand, 20lb tank and hose.

Told the front office and called local police. Officer said you prob wont see your grill because whoever took it is prob already out of the park. He did take a report.

Sorry to vent on y'all


Sorry to hear about the theft. I am somewhat surprised because I have found that practically all fellow Rver's I have run across will not only leave your stuff alone, but will actually help keep an eye on it. Of course in my case, I usually try to go to parks/resorts that cater to the mature and responsible crowd.
Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.

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There's always that one SOB that thinks they need it more than you do. Hopefully there is somebodys insurance that will help replace the grill
Bacon is the Crack Cocaine of the Food World.

Be careful about calling yourself and EXPERT! An ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure!



stuff like that just pisses me off.
"It ain't worth missing someone from your past- there is a reason they didn't make it to your future."

"Life is tough, it is even tougher when you are stupid"

Don't curse the storm, learn to dance in the rain.

Saber 4

That will sure get a person fightin mad, probably a dope smoking local that cruises around looking for targets of opportunity. I just finished going through an identity theft issue and I sure understand how mad you get at these idiots who can't work for what they want. Thanks for letting me vent on your thread.


that really sucks,,, we all work hard for our money , have great purchased great items with what  little money we have left after  paying expenses and some SOB comes along and takes what we worked hard to get... what a  low life


Dang Rick, I am sorry to hear about the theft.  Sure ain't like the days when I grew up.  We did not know what a door lock was.  Last year I looked out the window and a car was backed up in my driveway with the trunk open.  I go outside and a kid had taken all of my copper yard lights and thrown them in the trunk.  He dropped the last 2 that he had in his hand jumped in the car and took off with the trunk opened.  I was so shocked to see him doing that, that I went blank and did not get the tag number.  Hell we live in a gated community and I went to the guard at the gate and he said he didn't let any car in that I described.  Guess we get what we pay for in hiring guards that can't speak English.

Sure hate you to have to put a logging chain on all your cooking stuff but looks like it may come down to it.  Low life f***ers!

Enough ain't enough and too much is just about right.


That really sucks. Some people just don't have any respect for other peoples property.
* DBS w/ 900watt Mod
* Webber Kettle Grill
* Hybrid Grill


Down side, you lost a good smoker
Up side, you can go shopping for something new  ;)

Sorry you had that happen to you Rick


sorry for the loss, that sucks, we've been camping a little over a year now with our trailer and haven't had anything stolen yet. did have some jerkoffs last year that pulled all the stems out of mine and my buddies tires. most the time get good people around us though. only takes that one ahole though.


Many times it's some of the local trash that knows that RVers can be easy targets. Sorry to hear yet another example of degenerating society.
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I know exactly how you feel Rick. I have been hit so many times. I would just love to catch them in the act once. They will leave in an ambulance. When the cops say what happened I will just say they must have fallen down the stairs cause all I heard was some thumps and bangs and there they were laying at the bottom of the stairs. >:( Sorry for your loss.
I like to walk threw life on the path of least resistance. But sometimes the path needs a good kick in the ass.

One Big Easy, plus one in a box.


I'm day 2 doing some recon. So far no sign of my grill  >:(

Saber 4

That's a good idea, check the pawn shops and craigslist in the area. Tell the pawn shops you're looking for one and ask if they have one that's coming off pawn in the next 90 days, they may show it to you and then you can get the police to come pick it up for you. At least that's how it works in Texas.